State Ranking and Report Cards

Our 2024 Bicycle Friendly State report includes a ranking of all 50 states, plus information about how the rankings were determined. Some states scored better thanks to their planning documents, their approach to setting speed limits, and how extensive their efforts to ensure all children have access to bicycling education were.

In addition to the report and ranking, the League also has a report card on each state. Our guide to the report card goes into more detail about how each state can improve their status as a Bicycle Friendly State. Even in the top performing states there is still plenty of work to be done to ensure everyone has safe and accessible places to ride.

→ Download the Bicycle Friendly States Report and Rankings

→ Download the Guide to the Report Card

Key Findings from the 2024 Rankings Report

  • Record Bicyclist Fatalities: Preliminary estimates indicate 1,149 bicyclists were killed in 2023, the highest number ever recorded, continuing an alarming trend. Nationwide, roads owned by state Departments of Transportation account for more bicyclist deaths than any other type of roadway owner. These roads often have higher posted speed limits than locally owned roads. 
  • New Focus on Safe Speeds: The League introduced a new scoring category this year, assessing state laws that enable communities to adopt safer speed limits. Nineteen states received credit for implementing policies allowing and/or promoting 20 mph speed limits.
  • Infrastructure Investment: States have spent record federal funds on biking and walking projects thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. However, as a percentage of overall transportation spending, biking and walking investments did not increase much as other roadway investments.
  • Every Ride Counts: The category in which states scored the lowest reveals a troubling lack of comprehensive efforts to count and understand bicycle ridership, underscoring the need for better data.

2024 Bicycle Friendly State Rankings

Ranking Results for 2024

#1  - Washington
BFC: 18 BFB: 27 BFU: 3

#2  - Massachusetts
BFC: 14 BFB: 23 BFU: 8

#3  - Oregon
BFC: 11 BFB: 16 BFU: 4

#4  - California
BFC: 50 BFB: 100 BFU: 21

#5  - Minnesota
BFC: 34 BFB: 98 BFU: 7

#6  - Colorado
BFC: 21 BFB: 53 BFU: 8

#7  - Delaware
BFC: 4 BFB: 1 BFU: 0

#8  - Florida
BFC: 24 BFB: 158 BFU: 8

#9  - Maryland
BFC: 7 BFB: 23 BFU: 3

#10  - Michigan
BFC: 12 BFB: 27 BFU: 7

#11  - Illinois
BFC: 14 BFB: 25 BFU: 11

#12  - Virginia
BFC: 15 BFB: 56 BFU: 9

#13  - Connecticut
BFC: 13 BFB: 16 BFU: 2

#14  - Utah
BFC: 9 BFB: 13 BFU: 4

#15  - New York
BFC: 3 BFB: 12 BFU: 15

#16  - Ohio
BFC: 19 BFB: 27 BFU: 6

#17  - North Carolina
BFC: 13 BFB: 19 BFU: 10

#18  - Rhode Island
BFC: 1 BFB: 2 BFU: 1

#19  - Pennsylvania
BFC: 9 BFB: 32 BFU: 10

#20  - Indiana
BFC: 15 BFB: 43 BFU: 4

#21  - Kansas
BFC: 6 BFB: 9 BFU: 0

#22  - Vermont
BFC: 4 BFB: 5 BFU: 2

#23  - Georgia
BFC: 12 BFB: 19 BFU: 7

#24  - Iowa
BFC: 6 BFB: 21 BFU: 3

#25  - Hawaii
BFC: 1 BFB: 4 BFU: 0

#26  - New Jersey
BFC: 4 BFB: 2 BFU: 1

#27  - Wisconsin
BFC: 22 BFB: 47 BFU: 6

#28  - Maine
BFC: 2 BFB: 1 BFU: 3

#29  - Tennessee
BFC: 4 BFB: 11 BFU: 3

#30  - Texas
BFC: 12 BFB: 41 BFU: 8

#31  - New Hampshire
BFC: 6 BFB: 21 BFU: 1

#32  - Kentucky
BFC: 3 BFB: 10 BFU: 2

#33  - West Virginia
BFC: 3 BFB: 2 BFU: 1

#34  - Alaska
BFC: 4 BFB: 5 BFU: 0

#35  - New Mexico
BFC: 5 BFB: 3 BFU: 1

#36  - Idaho
BFC: 3 BFB: 33 BFU: 1

#37  - Arizona
BFC: 12 BFB: 9 BFU: 3

#38  - Nevada
BFC: 3 BFB: 4 BFU: 1

#39  - Arkansas
BFC: 8 BFB: 85 BFU: 3

#40  - Louisiana
BFC: 2 BFB: 2 BFU: 1

#41  - North Dakota
BFC: 3 BFB: 1 BFU: 0

#42  - Oklahoma
BFC: 3 BFB: 14 BFU: 4

#43  - Montana
BFC: 2 BFB: 6 BFU: 2

#44  - Wyoming
BFC: 3 BFB: 2 BFU: 0

#45  - South Dakota
BFC: 2 BFB: 9 BFU: 1

#46  - Alabama
BFC: 2 BFB: 2 BFU: 2

#47  - South Carolina
BFC: 6 BFB: 12 BFU: 4

#48  - Nebraska
BFC: 3 BFB: 16 BFU: 2

#49  - Missouri
BFC: 8 BFB: 6 BFU: 2

#50  - Mississippi
BFC: 2 BFB: 2 BFU: 1

#51  - District of Columbia
BFC: 1 BFB: 16 BFU: 3

Want to improve your state's ranking?

Check our our FAQ and resources page to learn more about what goes into improving a state's ranking.

We hope these report cards can be useful for advocates, policymakers, agency staff, and the public as they seek to make bicycling safer, more comfortable, and more accessible. These report cards cannot capture everything every state is doing, and we welcome feedback that helps us support improvements in every state. Please contact Ken McLeod at [email protected] if you would like to know more about questions, answers, and grading.

Each report card is listed below in the order of each state’s most recent Bicycle Friendly State ranking, as well as the number of Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFC), Businesses (BFB) and Universities (BFU). Our Guide to the Bicycle Friendly State Report Card explains the data presented on the report card. If you have questions not answered by the guide, please email [email protected].

Past State Report Cards