Awards Criteria
To determine if a community, business, or university merits a Bicycle Friendly America award, judges use the 5 Es to evaluate each application. Each application is assessed holistically as every community, business, and university must approach making biking better based on the unique needs of the people who live, work, shop, or attend school there.
Utilizing the 5 Es, judges recommend award levels ranging from Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Applications that do not meet our standards receive Honorable Mention or no award. All applicants are provided tailored feedback on how to improve biking in their communities.
The Essential Elements Of A Bicycle Friendly America℠
Each Bicycle Friendly Community℠, Bicycle Friendly Business℠ and Bicycle Friendly University℠ recognized by the League is different. Each with their own natural benefits and challenges — from climate and topography to culture and population density. But there are essential elements across five categories — known as the 5 Es — that are consistent in making great places for bicycling.
To truly achieve the vision of a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone, Equity & Accessibility are the essential lenses through which all other elements must be viewed. Learn more about the League's commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and see below for more about how the League has incorporated Equity & Accessibility into the Five E framework.
The 5 E's
Bicycle Friendly America
Bicycle Friendly Community

The BFC program provides guidance to make your distinct vision for a bikeable community a reality.
Bicycle Friendly America
Bicycle Friendly State

Where does your state rank? Learn more about our annual ranking by clicking here.
Bicycle Friendly America
Bicycle Friendly Business

Through our Bicycle Friendly Business program, employers are recognized for their efforts to encourage a more bicycle friendly atmosphere.
Bicycle Friendly America
Bicycle Friendly University

The Bicycle Friendly University program recognizes institutions of higher education for promoting and providing a more bicycle-friendly campus for students, staff and visitors.