

Getting back on the bike? Watch these five videos

By Lauren Jenkins | April 3, 2020
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It’s the kind of unexpected message from a friend every bike advocate loves to get: where can I buy a bike? Thanks to the work of local advocacy organizations, bike…

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May is (still) Bike Month

By Lauren Jenkins | March 31, 2020
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This May, the League is still celebrating National Bike Month, because bicycling is more essential to our lives than ever—and because we could all use some bike joy to look forward to.

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From the Feds: Bike repair is essential

By Ken McLeod | March 30, 2020
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Update: This webinar was held on March 31st and can be viewed through GotoWebinar on-demand or Youtube. Download a “While you Wait” flyer to display for customers Since states and local…

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Bicycling is essential

By Ken McLeod | March 23, 2020
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As states and cities are considering which businesses are essential, most are finding – initially or eventually – that bicycling is essential.

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Riding through this together

By BillN | March 23, 2020
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With the continued spread of COVID-19, the need to build places that support everyone’s access to healthy, safe, activity-friendly ways to get to everyday destinations has come into sharp focus.

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Half full: from Summit to Stimulus

By Caron Whitaker | March 20, 2020
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In this midst of this pandemic, cities and communities are seeing a surge in biking for transportation and for physical and mental health. We can act to ensure these are not momentary gains for safe streets and a healthier nation.

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How the League and Uber are partnering to keep people on bikes safe

By BillN | March 16, 2020
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Today, the League and Uber announced a new safety partnership towards building healthier, sustainable, vibrant communities.

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Canceling the 2020 National Bike Summit

By Lauren Jenkins | March 10, 2020
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At the core of the League’s vision for a Bicycle Friendly America are healthy, sustainable, vibrant communities. With the continuing spread of COVID-19 and to live our values, the League has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 National Bike Summit and all associated side meetings.

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Thinking bigger and beyond the Summit

By bikeleague | February 10, 2020
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“Just as a cycling trip through the Netherlands in in 2013 inspired us to eventually relocate to Amsterdam with our three younger children, giant dog, and crazy cat, the Summit inspired me to take much greater action on the cycling advocacy front.”

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Let’s Make Cars that Don’t Kill

By Ken McLeod | February 3, 2020
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Join the League in telling NHTSA to update their car safety testing to emphasize upgrades that would reduce pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities.

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