

A framework for infrastructure focusing on climate, safety and reform

By Caron Whitaker | January 30, 2020
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When the Senate released their transportation bill last Summer, the League was relieved to see it included a number of items we had been pushing for: funding and policy improvements…

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Take a photo, take back the streets with OurStreets

By Lauren Jenkins | January 30, 2020
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The League is partnering with OurStreets to give people biking a way to collectively document the dangers posed by drivers stopping in bike lanes and driving aggressively.

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Encouraging physical activity with safer streets

By Lauren Jenkins | January 16, 2020
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It’s a foundational belief at the League: when more people ride bikes, life is better for everyone. One way we know bicycling improves lives is that it contributes to the…

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With 153 Bicycle Friendly Business Awards, Program Nears 1,400 Business Partners in Bike Movement

By Lauren Jenkins | January 15, 2020
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With the latest round of awards, a family could fly from their home in Tampa to visit the Grand Canyon and patronize hundreds of bike-minded businesses along the way.

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The League joins others to tell Congress to put safety first for automated vehicles

By Ken McLeod | January 13, 2020
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Most days, you can find the League doing meetings on Capitol Hill. Typically, we’re doing one-on-one meetings, but today, I was joined by experts from Advocates for Highway and Auto…

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New Year’s Resolution for FHWA – Implement More Separated Bike Lanes

By Ken McLeod | January 6, 2020
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This New Year, encourage the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to resolve to build more separated bike lanes by telling them that this game-changing, proven, effective, simple, and yet under-utilized innovation…

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Take Action: Keep up the momentum for more federal funding for biking

By Caron Whitaker | December 9, 2019
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The Transportation Alternatives program accounts for almost half of all federal funding for bicycling and walking infrastructure, and it’s currently capped at $850 million per year – for the entire…

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Takeaways for States from the NTSB’s Bicycle Safety Report

By Ken McLeod | December 6, 2019
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See how states can improve their ranking on our Bicycle Friendly State list by implementing some of the NTSB recommendations.

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New Bicycle Friendly State ranking shows progress but perils persist

By Ken McLeod | November 26, 2019
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The new 2019 Bicycle Friendly State ranking grades the states and looks at how each is prioritizing people over speed.

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Salvaging the suggestions of the NTSB

By Ken McLeod | November 25, 2019
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While every article the League found discussed the mandatory helmet use recommendation, only about half mentioned any other recommendations. The other recommendations? Build more bike infrastructure and build safer cars, among other things.

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