Bike Joy
The summer solstice is right around the corner, which means we’ve got maximum daylight for exploring the great outdoors! From state parks to forest roads, there’s no shortage of trails…
Getting out on your bike is one of life’s most enjoyable activities. It can be a fun way to run errands, get some exercise, or explore your community. Even with…
Earlier this year we shared an interview with the founder of Minority Mountain Bikers (MMB), Harry Hill. ast week, two BIPOC League staff members, Jamil and I, joined MMB for…
In the League’s Summer 2022 magazine we shared rides we’re excited to see our hundreds of bike friends across the country take part in.
Lifetime League members like Tim Oey give back to the world by bicycling. Read Tim’s feature in the League’s Winter 2022 magazine
There are so, so many reasons to park your car and jump on your bike for your next trip, and we’ve put together a list of five reasons to “Drive Less, Bike More.”
It’s time again to kick off our challenge to all Americans to see the utility and possibilities of going places by bike. Will you join us in our campaign to “Drive Less, Bike More”?
Kevin Dekkinga, director of membership & development at the League, rode along with the first-ever national gathering of Major Taylor Bike Clubs.
During Bike to Work Week, Bicycle Friendly America director Amelia Neptune visited the Bicycle Friendly Business champions of Tampa, Florida. Here’s how it went.
It’s official: we’re now over 1 million miles of car trips turned bike trips in our “Drive Less, Bike More” campaign!