I used to think I was about as fearless and empowered as any cyclist out there. Then I rode with Cherokee Schill. When I was in Lexington, Kentucky recently for a Bicycle Friendly Community visit, I rode with Schill, a woman who’s been ticketed and even jailed for biking to work in the travel lane, rather than the shoulder, of a busy state highway.
Read More →Even when you ride alone, you’re part of something bigger. Every time you get on your bike you make your community — your country — better. Bikes bring us together, uniting us across political lines for a common bipartisan goal: Building a bicycle friendly America for everyone. Whether or not you bike to your polling place on election day, you are a citizen cyclist — and your values for safer streets makes a difference no matter who’s on the ballot.
Read More →This past year, Women Bike Mini-Grant recipient Marin County Bike Coalition (MCBC) hosted a learn to ride program for women living in the Canal Area of San Rafael. They dubbed the program Latina Women on Wheels. They felt it important to empower this group of women by helping them gain access to independent transportation. They knew that in order to be successful, they would have to align themselves with the community and understand their needs. This led to a partnership with Parent Services Project, a nonprofit focused on strengthening and supporting families in Marin County.
Read More →Imagine putting all of the brightest minds in bicycling advocacy in the same room to hear what they had to say? That’s what is happening at the National Bike Summit this year. We’re talking young and old, volunteers and paid professionals, fresh faces and experienced veterans, urbanists, suburbanists, and ruralists (yeah, we may have made that up!). We are searching the country for the best Big Ideas in bicycling advocacy to be a part of our Big Ideas conversation. And we think that you -– faithful members, readers of the blog, receivers of e-news, advocates, and bicycle enthusiasts -– have those big ideas.
Read More →In 2013, the League released “The New Majority: Pedaling Toward Equity” — highlighting the diversity in cycling and the growth in the number of people of color biking. In our latest report, “The New Movement: Bike Equity Today,” we go to the grassroots, showcasing the growing diversity in who is advocating for bikes. Learn more and read these inspiring stories.
Read More →Artist and urban educator James Rojas of Place It was the keynote speaker at the League’s Future Bike conference. While in Pittsburgh, James also facilitated a planning workshop with community members. He shares his thoughts in this guest post.
Read More →In June 2012, Kellie Morris created a dream board with a group of friends from church and hung the inspirational reminder above her desk at home. But after the adhesive slipped, the board fell hidden behind the furniture for months, as Kellie stayed busy launching an entrepreneurial venture and the daily duties of being a mom and grandmother. Before long, she’d forgotten entirely what was on the board.
Read More →In 2012, nearly one-third of adults and 50% of students were overweight or obese in Fort Worth, Texas. But Mayor Betsy Price is looking to roll back those numbers and use bicycling as a prescription for improved community health. “We’ve watched this growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes among children and adults,” Price says, “and so many people I know, their health has gone down.” So Price has made it her goal to transform Fort Worth into “Fit Worth,” spearheading a citywide initiative focused on promoting active lifestyles and healthy habits.
Read More →Last week, we released our Where We Ride report, analyzing U.S. Census Bureau data on national bike commuting trends. Shortly following our release of the report, we became aware of more comprehensive data that should be included in the report. Today, we’re releasing our revised Where We Ride report, with more communities and data points included. Download it here.
Read More →In this LCI Corner, educator Robert O’Conner of South Windsor, Conn., shares how his community’s efforts are helping to create lifelong bicyclists from an early age, by integrating bicycle education into the public schools’ curriculum. The Town of South Windsor, Conn., a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community, is taking a new approach to bicycle education — working to integrate bike safety instruction into the curriculum of its school system.
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