

Gallery: National Bike To Work Day 2015!

By bikeleague | May 18, 2015
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National Bike To Work Day 2015 was a great success, thanks to the many photos and shout outs we saw on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Thousands of Americans took to their bicycles to get to the office on Friday, May 15, turning their commute into a workout, inspiring others to do the same, and having a whole lot of fun. We promised to share some of our favorite photos from the day’s celebrations. Thank you to everyone who participated, and be sure to document and share your other National Bike Month activities throughout the month of May!

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#BikeChat: Bicycle Friendly State 2015

By bikeleague | May 18, 2015
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During last week’s #BikeChat we took a deeper dive on our 2015 Bicycle Friendly State ranking. Ken McLeod, the League’s Legal Specialist, spearheaded the ranking this year, and he let us in on what states are doing really well, where they can improve and what some of the best innovations in bicycling he’s seen across the country. Join us this Friday at 2 p.m. for another #BikeChat over on Twitter!

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Happy National Bike to Work Day!

By bikeleague | May 15, 2015
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Happy National Bike to Work Day! Sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists, National Bike Month is a 31-day celebration of travel by two wheels. Communities big and small are hosting bike-centered events, teaching bike education classes, voting on resolutions to deem May Bike Month in their towns and much more. National Bike to Work Day, May 15 this year, is also a time to take stock of how much bicycling has grown locally and nationally. It’s trending upward: Since 2000, bike commuting has grown by 62% nationwide.

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Why is 2% a success?

By Ken McLeod | May 14, 2015
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Two percent is not ideal. It isn’t proportional to any statistics about how much bicycling and walking is a part of how people get around. It pales in comparison to the percentage of road fatalities that are bicyclists and pedestrians (16% in 2013). It is less than the percentage of people who bike or walk as their primary means of getting to work (3.4%). It is much less than the percentage of total travel done by biking or walking (11.9% of all trips are done by biking or walking).

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Advocacy Advance Convenes Coalition

By bikeleague | May 14, 2015
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In partnership with Advocacy Advance, Investing in Place and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) were thrilled to engage over 30 community based organizations and leaders throughout Los Angeles County (list of organizations that attended at the bottom of the post) to discuss the pending expenditure plan as the region considers its fourth transportation sales tax for the ballot in November 2016. And of course we were tweeting! Check out LACBC’s storify post to see what we were saying during the workshop.

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#WhyIRide: It Makes My Marriage Better

By bikeleague | May 13, 2015
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This May, we’re asking the question, “With so many reasons to ride, what’s yours?” The beauty of the bicycle is that it means many things to many people, so we…

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BFS: Changing Street Design Paradigm

By Ken McLeod | May 13, 2015
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In 2014 the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) invited states to endorse its new design manual for urban streets – the Urban Street Design Guide (USDG). Eight states endorsed the USDG with 7 of those states ranking in the Top 10 of our rankings. Tennessee is the only state outside of our Top 10 to endorse the NACTO USDG, and the only state in the South to endorse the USDG. The USDG campaign is one indicator of a changing traffic engineering paradigm – where thoughtful, safe, and comfortable bicycling facilities are given as much attention as other parts of streets.

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Bike Month Raffle: Wheelset from Rolf Prima

By bikeleague | May 12, 2015
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Rolf Prima built a one-of-a-kind VCX Disc wheelset for the North American Handmade Bicycle Show and, boy, did it get attention. The Eugene, Oregon, company had numerous offers to buy the bright turquoise wheelset on the spot, but they decided they could do more. We partnered with Rolf Prima to raffle off the wheelset, with all proceeds going to power bike advocacy!

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#WhyIRide: To Set a Sustainable Example

By bikeleague | May 12, 2015
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This May, we’re asking the question, “With so many reasons to ride, what’s yours?” The beauty of the bicycle is that it means many things to many people, so we wanted to highlight some of those many reasons this National Bike Month. Today, we heard from Chelsea Roadman, who works in the University of Auburn’s Parking Services Department, and rides to inspire other students. Plus, she’s got a pretty inspirational-looking ride!

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How Do We Rank The States?

By Ken McLeod | May 12, 2015
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This year, we added several new questions to our Bicycle Friendly State survey and changed how some questions were scored in response to feedback from state bicycle and pedestrian coordinators and statewide bicycle advocacy groups. The Bicycle Friendly State ranking could not happen without the hard work of state Department of Transportation bicycle and pedestrian coordinators and statewide bicycle advocacy groups. They put in a tremendous amount of time and effort that makes our annual rankings and the Alliance for Biking and Walking’s bi-annual Benchmarking Report possible. Bicycling and walking is a tremendously dynamic field and recent surveys reflect this dynamism with ever updated standards.

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