Reports and Resources

Convincing decision makers to prioritize people who bike and walk requires two things: great stories and great data. Our reports offer important, easy to understand case studies for both.

As the premier resource for advocates and policy makers on how to make biking better, the League has produced scores of reports and fact sheets over the years to make the case for building a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone.

In addition to our most recent reports, the League also hosts archives and resources created over the years through our work and that of our partners.

Can't find a report you're searching for? Contact us.

Recent Reports

Reconnecting to the New Majority

In 2013, the League of American Bicyclists (League) and the Sierra Club published “The New Majority: Pedaling Towards Equity,” a report highlighting the changing demographics within the bicycling movement. Today, the League is releasing a new report, “Reconnecting to the New Majority,” to update our understanding of demographic trends in bicycling, identify areas of focus to ensure that all people — particularly Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color (BIPOC) — have access to safe bicycling, and further progress actions that promote equity in bicycling.

Recent Posts from our Research Team

Senate Releases Transportation Draft with Good News for Bicycling and Walking!

By Caron Whitaker | May 24, 2021

While we would like to see more emphasis on equity, climate and multimodal efforts, this is a strong, solid bill for bicycling and walking and represents a chance for concrete change.

The Urgency of Addressing Physical Activity: a webinar recap

By Ken McLeod | May 17, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has given us examples of short-term improvements in air quality, short-term reallocation of road space, and short-term benefits of physical activity for mental and physical health.

Separated Bike Lanes, Automated Vehicles, and the MUTCD

By Ken McLeod | April 29, 2021

Separated bike lanes should absolutely be promoted in documents like the MUTCD and the safety, comfort, and convenience of people biking should be the reasons for doing so.

The MUTCD: Reframe for Safety, Rewrite for the Future

By Ken McLeod | April 28, 2021

There is value in reframing and rewriting the MUTCD to make our roads safer and more accessible for everyone and enable communities to build back bicycle friendly.

Webinar Recap: Biden’s infrastructure plan and what it means for bikes

By bikeleague | April 14, 2021

Last Thursday we presented a webinar with updates about federal transportation policy.

Buttigieg and Biden talk Infrastructure

By Caron Whitaker | April 1, 2021

While the bicycling community can be almost giddy to see Secretary Buttigieg or the president actually riding a bike, we rarely hear a president talk about bicycling, or even transit for that matter.