So how do we spread women bicycling initiatives to communities all across the country? Nelle Pierson, Outreach Coordinator of the Washington Area Bicyclists Association and head of their Women & Bicycles program, shared her thoughts and tips yesterday during our “Women Bike Advocacy Deep Dive” webinar. Click here to download the slides, and check out a recording of the full webinar below.
Read More →Year in and year out, it’s consistently the most popular and most requested issues of American Bicyclist: our annual spotlight on the Bicycle Friendly America program. And, the 2013 edition once again showcases the hundreds of communities, businesses and universities that are using the League’s blueprint to make biking better nationwide.
Read More →The September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance has a bold vision: Construct a 1,000-mile bike trail that links the sites and national memorials of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The League was honored to host the Alliance’s board and committee members for their board meeting on Friday.
Read More →We are off to an exciting warm-up period with the new-and-improved National Bike Challenge! We have been working diligently to improve the website and offer our users an intuitive, functional and inspiring website ahead of our May 1 start. As our current user base knows, it’s been a work in progress and we thank you for your patience. We have truly appreciated your understanding and your constructive feedback as we work to phase in functions. Many of you are asking, ‘why the change?’
Read More →The U.S. Department of Transportation has just released proposed safety measures that have no goal, no accountability and no attempt to reduce the 16% of all fatal crashes that include people who walk and bike. Your comments count: Tell US DOT that we can’t turn a blind eye to the 45,000 bicyclists injured and 5,000 cyclists and pedestrians killed on our roadways each year — we must have a national goal to make biking and walking a safe transportation option.
Read More →Perhaps the greatest power of bicycling is how we lose ourselves in the moment; how the pressures of daily life can wash away like a cool breeze through our helmets. But, as our work with Women Bike and Equity Initiative has made clear, despite that sense of freedom, we can’t disconnect bicycling from larger social realities. That’s why we were particularly honored to welcome Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, to the National Women’s Bicycling Forum this month.
Read More →Twitter is useful for fueling engagement with your supporters and getting the word out about your issues. But it can also be a helpful tool in another communications arena: media relations. On a recent webinar with the League of American Bicyclists, we shared tips on how biking and walking advocates can use Twitter to connect with reporters and get active transportation issue in the news. This was the fourth session in a series of social media webinars we’re doing together. For background, check out Twitter 101; Facebook 101; and Vine, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr 101. Check out the recording below, and keep reading for some key takeaways and insights.
Read More →We learned at the 2014 National Bike Summit first-ever media training that, with a few tips and explanations, it’s really not all that hard. And, tomorrow, we’re talking about how to use Twitter to better your own media relations. We’ve partnered with the Alliance for Biking & Walking, and will be providing more tips and insights on how to maximize your 140-character potential.
Read More →Marin Tockman was on the steering committee for the very first Women Bike event in Long Beach, Calif., in September 2012 — and has continued her work to increase female ridership in New Orleans. In this guest post, she describes the inspiration for and innovative work of the NOLA Women on Bikes initiative.
Read More →One of the very first things I learned as a journalist was an evident but often overlooked fact: A story needs characters. No matter how important or compelling an idea or issue, it can’t come to life without a human face. This month, at the National Women’s Bicycling Forum, we examined how better storytelling can be a significant bridge to increasing bicycling.
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