

Congress to finish Transportation Bill by November?

By Caron Whitaker | October 26, 2015
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Last week, the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee in the House of Representatives passed their version of the transportation bill, and referred it to the House floor. Committee leadership has indicated that they expect to pass the bill through the House, reconcile it with the Senate bill, and pass it by November 20. So far, this looks like good news for bicycle and pedestrian advocates.

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FHWA Proposes Rule that makes Bicycle-Friendly Streets Easier

By Ken McLeod | October 23, 2015
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When communities want to make their streets more bicycle friendly, they often face many of layers of opposition and challenge. Even when the popular and political will exist, existing regulations can stymie the process. This is especially true for roads within the National Highway System, but there’s new hope that these regulations will become easier to navigate.

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League welcomes Alex Doty as new executive director

By bikeleague | October 20, 2015
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On behalf of the board of directors and our 20,000 dues-paying members, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Doty as the new executive director of the League of American Bicyclists.

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#BikeChat: Where We Ride 2015

By bikeleague | October 8, 2015
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Last Friday, we chatted with Ken McLeod, the League’s data cruncher and author of our new report, “Where We Ride: Analysis of Bicycle Commuting in American Cities” about this new data. We also were joined by the Alliance for Biking & Walking — we teamed up with the Alliance to include walk to work data in this year’s report. Based on the new Census Bureau American Community Survey data, we looked at the state of commuting across the country. If you missed our #BikeChat Twitter chat, view the recap below!

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Toolkit: Women Bike, Women Lead

By bikeleague | October 2, 2015
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Last year, we awarded $3,000 in mini-grants to support new and growing programs that engage young women in bicycling. Yesterday, we heard how the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) and Multicultural Communities for Mobility (MCM), mini-grant recipients, were able to boost their efforts through their pilot program aimed at growing allies for the bicycle and pedestrian movement through women’s leadership. Daniella Alcedo, of the Pomona Valley Bicycle Coalition chapter of LACBC, and Maria Sipin, of MCM, discussed their partnership in-depth during our Women Bike webinar.

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Where We Ride 2014: Analysis of Bike Commuting

By Ken McLeod | October 1, 2015
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In our third edition of “Where We Ride: An Analysis of Bicycling in American Cities” we take a look at the growth of bicycle commuters throughout the country, based on new data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. We dissect broad trends, like where among large cities bike commuting is growing fastest, and take on and more granular analyses, like which cities are exploding with bike commuters by region and size.

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USDOT Looks ‘Beyond Traffic’

By bikeleague | September 29, 2015
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Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced a new series of forums in cities across the United States to discuss transportation challenges and solutions. These “Beyond Traffic” forums are an “invitation to the American public” to participate in the future of transportation in the country. Read USDOT’s full announcement on the forum series below.

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Register Now: 2016 Bike Summit!

By Alison Dewey | September 28, 2015
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The League invites you to join us for 2016 National Bike Summit & Women’s Forum, where advocates, bike industry leaders, local decision makers, engineers and planners, will convene to discuss, learn, experience, and advocate for better bicycling. This year the event will merge the National Bike Summit and National Women’s Bicycling Forum into one event with one registration fee. All registrants will have access to women-specific content presented during the event. Scholarships are available and can be accessed on the registration site here.

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Webinar: Growing Allies Thru Women’s Leadership

By bikeleague | September 21, 2015
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Next week, we’ll hear how the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) and Multicultural Communities for Mobility (MCM), mini-grant recipients, were able to boost their efforts through their pilot program aimed at growing allies for the bicycle and pedestrian movement through women’s leadership. Daniella Alcedo, of the Pomona Valley Bicycle Coalition chapter of LACBC, and Maria Sipin, of MCM, will discuss their partnership in-depth via a webinar on Thursday, October 1, at 2 p.m. eastern / 11 a.m. pacific. Register today.

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New Data: Bike Commuting Growing Steadily

By Ken McLeod | September 17, 2015
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This morning, the U.S. Census Bureau released the American Community Survey (ACS), revealing new data on bicycle commuting in the United States. According to the ACS, 0.62% of commutes to work were made by bicycle in 2014, which represents a modest 0.5% increase from 2013. In total, the Census Bureau estimates that there were 904,463 bicycle commuters across the country in 2014. Since 2000, ACS data shows a 62% increase in bicycle commuting.

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