

Can a new car make your bike ride safer?

By Ken McLeod | February 8, 2016
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NHTSA update of 5-Star Rating System includes crash avoidance technologies for first time.

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2015 Summit Lobby Day Results

By Caron Whitaker | February 4, 2016
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Thanks to all of you who participated in lobby visits at the 2015 National Bike Summit. Your visits contributed to several victories for us on Capitol Hill.

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2016 Advocacy Awards at the National Bike Summit

By Ken McLeod | February 2, 2016
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As we approach the 2016 National Bike Summit & Women’s Forum the League of American Bicyclists is happy to announce that we are working with the Alliance for Biking & Walking to present an Awards Gala on the opening night of the National Bike Summit.

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Love to Ride: Using Behavior Change to Increase Ridership

By bikeleague | January 31, 2016
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Chances are if you are reading this that you already believe in the power of bicycling. Biking can improve our health, lower street congestion, and build a more connected community.

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Feeding the Homeless by Bike

By bikeleague | January 25, 2016
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One or two mornings each week I wake before 5 a.m. and load up my Yuba Mundo with food to deliver to my homeless neighbors in East Los Angeles. It started in September 2013, when I had a heart attack and was told I needed to change my lifestyle. For six months I only walked. One cold morning, I was considering returning home when I saw two figures shivering under a sheet sleeping on a bus bench.

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The Road to Advocacy

By bikeleague | January 14, 2016
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In January 2014, I resolved that I would become less reliant on my car. I craved a healthier way to experience my own body, wanted more interaction with my new community, and wanted to make meaningful lifestyle commitments to the environment—which meant one thing: getting my butt on a bike!

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Women Bike Pop-Up Shop 2016

By Alison Dewey | January 11, 2016
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It’s back! For the fourth year in a row, we will feature the Women Bike Pop-Up Shop at the National Bike Summit & Women’s Forum!

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Bikeshare Transit Act introduced to help fund Bikeshare projects

By Ken McLeod | January 7, 2016
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Today Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-FL) introduced legislation that makes it easier for federal transit and highway programs to fund bikeshare systems and related improvements.

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Tips from a Bicycle Friendly Business

By bikeleague | December 29, 2015
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Gold BFB awardee, the Trek Store of Schererville, offers some tips for making a business more bicycle-friendly.

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Beyond City Limits: LACBC’s Regional Approach to Equity

By bikeleague | December 16, 2015
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In Cudahy, Calif., more than 90% of the population is Latino and 30% live below the poverty line. In addition to rent-controlled housing and accountable government, one way Councilmember Baru Sanchez wants to uplift his community is through better biking. And he’s working with the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition to authentically engage his fellow residents in that effort.

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