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Bicycle Friendly America Wants to Hear from You

***The Listening Session and online survey is now over. We had over 300 in-person and online participants. We’ll be sharing answers to our questions soon and look forward to how this data can help us improve our programs.***


Today at the National Bike Summit the League of American Bicyclists is gathering input that will be used to improve the Bicycle Friendly State and Bicycle Friendly Community programs. We want your input on how to make both programs better. To participate and give feedback on the same questions asked of Summit participants please fill out this survey:

The Bicycle Friendly State program is based around a survey that is shared with the Alliance for Biking & Walking’s Benchmarking Report. Each year data is gathered by the League of American Bicyclists, state Departments of Transportation, state bicycle advocacy organizations, and other state agencies to provide a wide variety of data related to bicycling and walking. The League then works with contacts at state DOTs and advocacy organizations to create a nationwide ranking and report cards customized to each state.

Over the last year the Bicycle Friendly State program has worked with state Department of Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals and statewide advocacy organizations to examine ways to improve the program. We’re excited to make the program easier to understand, more transparent, and more actionable. The survey questions will help us determine priorities and how we can be more targeted with our state focused outreach.

The Bicycle Friendly Community program provides certifications to communities that take steps to improve bicycling so that they can be recognized and promote their efforts. Communities must choose to apply and there are currently 371 communities throughout the United States that have applied and been certified in the past four years. The survey questions about the Bicycle Friendly Community program will help us create a more transparent and responsive certification process.

To find out more about the Bicycle Friendly State and Bicycle Friendly Community programs, please browse the presentations available on our online agenda that highlight key figures of each program:,

And don’t forget to fill out our survey: