

64 New Bicycle Friendly Businesses

By bikeleague | August 7, 2018
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Today the League has awarded Bicycle Friendly Business certifications to 64 companies in 25 states and DC for a total of 1,250 BFBs in all 50 states.

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MUTCD Update from June 2018 Meeting

By Ken McLeod | August 2, 2018
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The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices regulates how traffic control devices can be used on public roadways and bikeways.

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Wheels and Spokes: Connecting Tallahassee’s Folks

By bikeleague | July 31, 2018
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This year, Tallahassee, FL, was designated a Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Community. The city is making big strides toward becoming more multimodal and embracing a bicycle friendly mentality.

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Why is finding funding for transportation so hard?

By Caron Whitaker | July 24, 2018
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A new study shows a majority of Americans support increasing the gas tax for specific uses — including improving roads, improving safety or addressing air pollution and global warming.

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Taking Bicycle Friendly Actions – Safe Passing Laws in All 50 States

By Ken McLeod | July 19, 2018
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Over the last decade and a half, the adoption of safe passing laws has been one of the most prominent successes of bicyclist advocates. Every year since 2006 at least one state has adopted a safe passing law.

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The League’s Bicycle Friendly Driver Training

By Alison Dewey | July 16, 2018
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“I bet you save a life every day with the stuff you teach,” exclaimed one City of Fort Collins Bus Operator after taking the Bicycle Friendly Driver class.

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Congratulations to the top riders in the Team Challenge!

By bikeleague | July 12, 2018
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The National Bike Challenge is still going strong, so we wanted to share stories from some of the riders that came out on top in the May Team Challenge. It’s quite an achievement when you’re competing against 42,935 other riders!

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Utah State University: Bicycle Friendly in the Beehive State

By bikeleague | July 6, 2018
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Utah State University sits at the base of the Bear River Mountains. It’s home to Aggie Blue Bikes, the campus bike shop where the goal is to get more people on more bikes, more often.

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Transportation innovation in South Bend, Indiana

By bikeleague | July 3, 2018
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South Bend, IN, a Silver Bicycle Friendly Community, has a rich history of hosting transportation innovation, starting with the Studebaker brothers first putting the city on the map as the home to wagon building in the mid-18th century.

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Automated Vehicles: What’s Next?

By Ken McLeod | June 29, 2018
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This week I attended the first FHWA automated vehicle workshop in a series meant to facilitate information sharing, identify key issues and support the safe integration of AVs into our transportation network.

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