

Sunny Long Beach pt. 2

By bikeleague | April 20, 2010
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Just in case you didn’t believe us that League President Andy Clarke visited Long BEach, CA, last week, LA Streetsblog has provided photographic evidence (and a nice write-up of the…

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The Economist calls Portland, OR “the new model”…

By bikeleague | April 20, 2010
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… but also wonders how replicable a model it is. Here’s the article. Credit: AP via the Economist Naturally in an article about Portland, biking gets a prominent mention: The environment is…

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Tupelo gets national spotlight

By bikeleague | April 20, 2010
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Last week we told you about the Mayor of Tupelo, MS signing a proclamation of support for the USDOT statement on bicycling and walking (after being inspired by Lee County,…

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Sunny Long Beach

By bikeleague | April 20, 2010
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League President Andy Clarke was just out in Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community Long Beach, CA. getting a tour of the local bike facilities from mobility coordinator Charlie Gandy. But you…

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Club Leaders meet in Milwaukee

By bikeleague | April 16, 2010
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Bike club leaders met in Milwaukee, Wis. this past weekend to share best practices during the League’s Club Leadership Training. The Training proved to be an opportunity for new and…

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Congressman LaTourette’s message to cyclists

By bikeleague | April 16, 2010
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In a new message on his website, Congressman LaTourette (R-OH) expressed regret  at the uproar caused by his questions to the Undersecretary of Tranportation about the USDOT policy statement during a…

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Ride of Silence – Worldwide

By bikeleague | April 15, 2010
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DATE: May 19, 2010 TIME: 7:00 pm WHERE: Hundreds of locations world wide Join cyclists worldwide in a silent slow-paced ride (max. 12 mph/20 kph) in honor of those who…

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Pulitzer for Distracted Driving Reporter

By bikeleague | April 15, 2010
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In our report on distracted driving we mention the important role that Matt Richtel’s Driven to Distraction series in the New York Times played in publicizing the research on the risks of…

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Cyclist hit by car, VA State Trooper charges driver

By bikeleague | April 15, 2010
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We often receive calls and emails about cyclists being buzzed from motorists. We’ve experienced this ourselves, and it’s particularly scary and infuriating when it happens intentionally. It’s why we support…

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Another View from Truckers

By bikeleague | April 14, 2010
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Thanks to for drawing our attention to something we had missed. Not everybody in the freight industry is buying into the phony straw-man argument that giving due consideration to…

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