

Tour de Politics

By bikeleague | July 6, 2010
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As bicyclists and advocates, we spend a fair amount of time with our attention paid to the political world, to promote policies that foster better bicycling conditions. It is less…

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LaHood trumpets US Bike Route System

By bikeleague | July 2, 2010
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Transportation Secretary Ray LaHaood’s remarkable streak of promoting bicycling and walking continues today in anticipation of this Fourth of July holiday weekend. The secretary writes on his blog about the US Bicycle…

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Washington Post asks: Who is Ray LaHood?

By bikeleague | June 30, 2010
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The Washington Post has a feature today on Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. The article highlights LaHood work to limit distracted driving (also see our policy report,) mentions his weekend bikes rides with…

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By bikeleague | June 29, 2010
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I am currently researching ways that bicycling advocacy groups can organize to get strong bicycling language into the Climate Action Plans of states, cities, and universities to reduce Green House…

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Velo-City Wrap Up

By Alison Dewey | June 28, 2010
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From Alison Dewey’s June 25, Velo-City journal entry: The conference wrap up was this afternoon, and so I have a few minutes to reflect on the morning events before filling…

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Velo-City Global – Day Three

By Alison Dewey | June 25, 2010
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Another sunny beautiful day here in Copenhagen, we couldn’t be asking for better weather.  All three days at the Velo-City Global conference have been perfect conditions – sunny, blue sky,…

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Completing the streets in Michigan

By bikeleague | June 24, 2010
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The topic of Complete Streets came up recently in some of the comments, suggesting that it is time we highlight it more. For background, as it says on the National…

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Bicycling is About People

By Alison Dewey | June 24, 2010
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One of the overall themes from yesterday at Velo-City Global was that bicycling is about people. “I don’t give a sh*t about bikes. I care about people on bikes,” was…

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Continuing support for US DOT Statement on Bicycling and Walking

By bikeleague | June 24, 2010
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As readers of this blog know well, in March, US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and US Department of Transportation released an outstanding policy statement saying that “walking and bicycling…

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U.S. Embassy in Denmark – Velo-City Global

By bikeleague | June 23, 2010
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us_embassy_2, originally uploaded by bikeleague. The Velo-City Global U.S. Delegation got a chance to visit the U.S. Ambassador Laurie S. Fulton. She took a moment to discuss the conference with…

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