

Yes, there is room for all of us — it’s not a zero sum game

By bikeleague | August 4, 2010
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This week the National Journal asks its transportation experts to weigh in on the question, “Will bicyclists and pedestrians squeeze out cars?” Our Andy Clarke was the first to respond,…

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Efforts to end Distracted Driving continue

By bikeleague | August 3, 2010
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When an issue becomes a hot topic there is always the risk that it will burn hot for a time and then burn out. Distracted Driving drew a lot of…

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Act Now to Save Riding Routes From Rumble Strips!

By bikeleague | August 2, 2010
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Cyclists and motorists share a desire for safer roadways. Most of us are motorists as well as cyclists and we have probably all benefited from the wake-up call provided by…

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Best Cyclist of All Time?

By bikeleague | July 30, 2010
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The League is switching to preferential voting for the upcoming Board Elections. To test out our new system, we thought it would be fun to vote for the best cyclist…

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A tug of war over livability

By bikeleague | July 29, 2010
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Washington really is an odd place to do business. Even as the City prepares for the Summer exodus to the beach or home districts (or really anywhere away from the…

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ADA turns 20, we look ahead to Complete Streets

By bikeleague | July 26, 2010
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Today, July 26, marks the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). One of the important achievements of the ADA was to require that facilities in the public…

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CBO says federal Distracted Driving law would not add to deficit

By bikeleague | July 23, 2010
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A new report issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concludes that a law that would provide states with grants for distracted driving safety programs would not contribute to the…

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Cyched to Cycle in San Antonio

By bikeleague | July 21, 2010
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The City of San Antonio has launched a new safety campaign called “Get Cyched,” featuring these two ads, to draw attention to their new Safe Passing Ordinance. The message emphasizes sharing…

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A Boom in Bicycle-Friendly

By bikeleague | July 21, 2010
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Last Friday marked the summer deadline for Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) and Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) applications. These programs are a part of our Bicycle Friendly America program, which also…

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A FABBulous guide for Bicycling Advocates

By bikeleague | July 19, 2010
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Using the funds from an Advocacy Advance grant, the Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling (FABB) have produced the “Guide for reviewing Public Road Design and Bicycling Accommodations for Virginia Bicycling…

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