

Fewer than 20 Spots Left: Register for Climate Ride

By bikeleague | June 25, 2013
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As Blake Holiday spoke, memories of towering redwood forests and foggy ocean vistas came flooding back. Last night the League co-hosted a happy hour with the Climate Ride director to fire up participants to pedal for a greener future and better bicycling…

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Trek Keeps Pressure on Despite Lead in National Bike Challenge

By bikeleague | June 24, 2013
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League staff traveled to Waterloo, Wis., last week to visit Trek Bicycles HQ — and we were pleasantly surprised to see the current No. 1 large workplace in the National Bike Challenge taking ownership of that ranking.

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Live, Online Discussion: Pedaling Toward Equity

By bikeleague | June 24, 2013
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Last month, the League and Sierra Club released a new report on equity in bicycling and this week we’re taking the discussion digital with a Google Hangout on Thursday, June 27 at 1 p.m. Eastern. This live, interactive video conference will feature local and national leaders working on equity in bicycling…

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Charlotte Provides Model as Congress Considers New Safe Streets Bill

By Caron Whitaker | June 21, 2013
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Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) introduced the “Safe Streets Act” on Thursday, along with Rep. David Joyce (R-OH), at a Congressional Briefing yesterday. The Safe Streets Act, formerly the Complete Streets Act, gives states two years to adopt comprehensive complete streets policies for transportation projects.

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Pennsylvania Groups Halfway to Big State Multimodal Funding

By bikeleague | June 21, 2013
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Big wheels are turning for transportation funding in Pennsylvania. With the passage of Senate Bill No. 1 earlier this month, the Quaker State is just a House vote away from passing a new $2.5 billion state transportation bill. If successful, the bill would provide much needed dedicated funding for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects.

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Guest Post: Who Does Biking Serve?

By bikeleague | June 20, 2013
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Our latest report — “The New Majority: Pedaling Toward Equity” — highlighted the growth in bicycling among youth, women and people of color and, as we hoped, has sparked some great discussions, including a thought-provoking analysis from Jamaal Green.

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You’re Invited: Meet and Greet with Climate Ride Director in DC

By bikeleague | June 19, 2013
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Since 2008, hundreds of people have united to pedal 300 miles through the California forest and the hills of New York all in the name of climate protection — and better biking! If you’re in Washington, D.C., come learn more about the Climate Ride this Monday, June 24th, at 6 p.m. The five-day bike ride from New York City to Washington, D.C., coming up September 21-25, is an amazing journey and “green conference on wheels” that raises money to support nonprofits working to protect the climate and make streets safer for biking — including the League!

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Building on Success: Women Bike Plans for the Future

By bikeleague | June 19, 2013
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There’s already tremendous momentum behind our newest program — Women Bike — and this past weekend we brought together key stakeholders and diverse perspectives for a focused two-day strategic planning session to build on our success and create a powerful path forward.

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Welcome to our new website!

By bikeleague | June 18, 2013
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The League’s new website brings our programs to life with vibrant images, better information and easier navigation. We’ve made our content and programming more user friendly and added a number of new, dynamic and interactive components. Check it out!

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Where the Ride Takes Us: 450 Miles for Homeless Veterans

By bikeleague | June 17, 2013
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During Bike Month this year, we heard from people and organizations who are using bicycles as tools for personal empowerment, social justice and community development. Taking this “Where the Ride Takes Us” web series a step further, we’re following up with a group of bicyclists in West Virginia who are riding to Washington, D.C., to help raise money for homeless veterans.

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