When I started the Boise Bicycle Project in 2007, I knew there was a need for bicycle repair and safety education in the community, but I had no idea how expansive that need really was. It’s been a challenging journey to teach my generation (and older) that there are, in fact, rules of the road and methods of riding that make bicycling a safe, effective, and enjoyable form of transportation. One thing I enjoy these days is teaching brown-bag sessions at local businesses. It seems every employer we talk to welcomes the idea of healthier, more productive employees and we use this interest to get inside and spread our message. Kind of like the Trojan horse, but with less pillaging!
Read More →Echo Rivera knows how to go viral. In fact, she created one of the most-Tweeted images from the 2014 National Women’s Bicycling Forum. So we couldn’t be more delighted to host the visual artist at our Future Bike forum on September 11 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Read more about Rivera and sign up today!
Read More →On August 22, I will be participating in a panel discussion at Carnegie Mellon University with researchers, transportation agency staff, and industry leaders about the implications of autonomous and connected vehicles. I am looking forward to the opportunity to share the voice of bicyclists with an audience that may shape the next major transportation revolution in our country and would appreciate your taking this survey in order to let them know how you feel.
Read More →Last summer, we awarded our first round of Women Bike Mini-Grants, and, to make sure these leading edge initiatives can serve as inspiration for other groups across the country, we’re rolling out the step-by-step Toolkits produced by each grantee. Last week, Katie Monroe, the Bike Share Outreach Manager for the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, shared how she made her “Girl Scouts on Wheels” program a success in Southeast Pennsylvania.
Read More →Last month, new data revealed that bicycling ranks #6 among the most popular fitness activities in the United States. Through the National Bike Challenge, we’ve seen those fitness results right before our eyes. According to our participant survey, nearly one-third of Challengers have lost weight and more than half have improved their well-being because of the Challenge. Those numbers are encouraging. Today, we hear from Doug Schmitt in Nebraska, about his health story.
Read More →Dawn Finley and Jenn Witte first met at a reading group at the Women’s Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles. What started as a conversation about how to build a collection of feminist literature and multimedia, quickly evolved into something more when Witte, in her excitement, blurted out, “And it can be on my bike!” Now the two women are well on their way to making their vision — F.L.O.W. Feminist Library on Wheels — a reality.
Read More →Joining the League is a way to share the love of bicycling. Joy Hancock is the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Freewheel and a member of the Bicycle Tour Network Board of Directors. In short, she knows the ins and outs of organizing great bike tours. We connected with her last year for a magazine interview about what’s ahead for the Freewheel and BTN. The BTN’s national conference is coming up in November in San Diego, Calif.
Read More →The National Bike Challenge is a community-based event focused on people. There are dozens of different reasons to get on your bike and participate. From viewing personal achievements, motivating friends to ride, having fun in the workplace, spending family time, and more, we know the Challenge means something different to all 44,000+ riders. At the League, one very important thing to us is that the Challenge be accessible to everyone, fun for all, and shared across the country.
Read More →Whether you’re an educator yourself or simply a bicycle enthusiast, our LCIs have so much knowledge and inspiration that we want to share their stories. In this edition of LCI Corner, Maria Sipin, #womentalkbikes co-host and LCI #3846, gives five helpful tips for creating a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Read More →It’s hard to believe that it was less than two years ago that the League launched Women Bike, the first national advocacy program aimed specifically at closing the gender gap in bicycling. In that time, the interest and support for the initiative has been overwhelming and we’re excited to advance the conversation even further by hiring a dedicated, full-time staff member. Meet Liz Jones, our new Women Bike Manager.
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