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Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin Restores $2 Million for Bike/Ped to State Budget

How many people can say that they turned $3,000 into $2 million? Kevin Hardman and the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin can.

How’d they do it? With a little help from Advocacy Advance, the partnership of the League and the Alliance for Biking & Walking that’s aimed at giving advocates, agency staff and public officials the tools and knowledge they need to tap into federal funding for biking and walking projects and programs. The Bicycle Federation used a $3,000 Advocacy Advance Rapid Respond grant to support its campaign to restore dedicated bicycle and pedestrian funds cut from the state budget. They were successful. Instead of zeroing out the bicycle and pedestrian line in the budget, the state will spend $2 million over the next two years on bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Read all about it on the Advocacy Advance blog!

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