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Scenes from the National Bike Summit #NBS12
Over the past four days, photographer Chris Eichler has worked tirelessly — and possibly slept less than even the League staff — to capture the inspiring scenes of the 2012 National Bike Summit. We’ll be posting more on our Flickr page in coming days, but here’s a preview…

From left: Jeff Miller (Alliance for Biking & Walking), Andy Clarke (League) and Tim Blumenthal highlight the benefits of a unified bicycle movement

From right: Elysa Walk (Giant), Cornelia Neal (Royal Netherlands Embassy), Andrea Garland (Alta Planning + Design) and Marla Streb (Team Luna Chix) at the first-ever National Women Cycling Forum

From left: Congressman Tom Petri (R-WI), Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)