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Hill visit: LaTourette supports Complete Streets; receives League award from Ohio delegation
To the delight of advocates, Congressman Steven LaTourette (R-OH) has agreed to be an original co-sponsor of National Complete Streets legislation when the bill is introduced. Today seven delegates from Ohio met with the Congressman and awarded him a League of American Bicyclists award in appreciation.

Congressman Steven LaTourette (R-OH,) at right, meets with Jeff Stephens of Consider and Lois Moss of Bike+Walk Cleveland Biking
“He is certainly a friend to our cause,” says Jeff Stephens of Consider Biking. When asked for a commitment to defend Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to Schools funding from cuts, Rep. LaTourette said, “Safe Routes to School is under attack by some people, which is unfortunate. I will do what I can.”
The Congressman also shared his thoughts on what to expect. “We had a valuable discussion about the realities of the future funding system,” says Stephens. LaTourette was skeptical about the chances a new authorization bill would pass saying that for a robust program you need robust funding. In the meantime, we look forward to working with the Congressman to make sure our streets are build to accommodate all users.
Read more about Congressman LaTourette’s eventful history with bicycling advocates: here, here, and here.