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Congressional Bike Ride in Support of Rep. Giffords
Check out the new Streetfilms video on the Congressional Bike Ride:
The National Bike Summit officially wrapped this morning, March 11, with our Congressional Bike Ride in honor of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), a regular rider and member of the Congressional Bike Caucus, and in memory of those killed in the Tucson shooting. It was the largest turnout yet for our Congressional Ride, with over 100 riders.

President of the League Andy Clarke leads a moment of silence for all of the Tucson shooting victims | Photo courtesy of Chris Eichler
We followed tradition and met at Garfield Circle on our Bike and Roll rentals, tandems, hybrids, collapsible bikes, Capital Bikeshare bikes, and touring bikes (this list could go on forever). However, this year we didn’t immediately hop on our bikes and hit the streets. We gathered and took a moment of silence for all of victims affected by the Tucson shootings. We received Arizona flag bandannas and white and black ribbons — the white represents hope for a peaceful nonviolent society and the black is in remembrance of all who have died as a result of violence — to wear in solidarity.

A couple from Arizona rides in tandem to support Giffords | Photo courtesy of Carly Sieff
The route, created by WABA, toured D.C.’s recent bike infrastructure projects and gave us all a bit of excitement as onlookers on the streets gawked at how many people were using the Pennsylvania Ave. and 15th St. bike lanes. It truly was a sight and we were all honored to ride for Giffords, hoping she can get back on her bike real soon.

The Congressional Ride stops at a light on the Pennsylvania Ave. Bikes lanes | Photo courtesy of Chris Eichler

Groups of Congressional Riders on 15th St. Bike Lanes | Photo courtesy of Carly Sieff

Cyclists hold the Arizona state flag in honor of Congresswoman Giffords (Photo: Darren Flusche)

League President Andy Clarke, in grey blazer, and six-time national cyclocross champion Tim Johnson, in grew sweatshirt, in front of the Capitol. (Photo: Darren Flusche)