
Take Action

Take Action: Side Guards Save Lives

By Lauren Jenkins | June 15, 2023

On Tuesday, an investigation by PBS’s FRONTLINE and ProPublica revealed the extent to which the safety of bicyclists and other road users has been ignored by the U.S. Department of…

Amtrak and Bikes: Upgrading the Experience

By Lauren Jenkins | May 25, 2023

In support of our belief that more bicycling means more benefits for everyone, the League of American Bicyclists has taken the lead on reviving the Amtrak Bike Task Force to…

Better Crash Data That Doesn’t Victim Blame

By Ken McLeod | April 28, 2023

“Blame is how we control the terror stirred up by the seeming randomness of accidental tragedy. There is nothing productive in this process.” – Jessie Singer, There are No Accidents…

Show support for tax credits for e-bikes

By Ken McLeod | March 23, 2023

Let’s get more people on bicycles by making it easier for more people to choose to bike. Making it more financially accessible for people to purchase an e-bike would do…

Sign Our Petition And Join Our Demand For Safe Streets For All

By Raven Wells | November 21, 2022

Please sign our Safe Streets for All petition and together, we’ll take action to save lives by designing and signing our roads for slower driving speeds.

Action Alert: Support New Performance Measure To Reduce GHG Emissions

By Caron Whitaker | August 30, 2022

The League of American Bicyclists has submitted comments in support of a new greenhouse gas measure and now we are asking you to do the same.

Bicyclists Have the Right to Safer Vehicles

By Ken McLeod | May 4, 2022

The League has submitted a comment on NHSTA’s New Car Assessment Program update, emphasizing that cyclist-AEB should be included TODAY.

Top 12 Actions In the National Roadway Safety Strategy

By Caron Whitaker | January 28, 2022

Yesterday, the Biden Administration released its National Roadway Safety Strategy, “a roadmap for addressing the national crisis in roadway fatalities and serious injuries.”  The League has been awaiting this strategy…

What a League National Safety Strategy Would Prioritize

By Caron Whitaker | January 26, 2022

Here is how you can join the League in sharing our vision for better biking with the Biden Administration ahead of the first-ever National Safety Strategy.

What is the Reconciliation process

By Caron Whitaker | September 9, 2021

There are opportunities in the reconciliation bill to address social equity and climate change through tax incentives for bike commuting and e-bikes, as well as other funding for improved bicycling and walking.