
Local and State Advocacy

Some of Our Favorite Things About the New State and City Fact Sheets

By Ken McLeod | July 13, 2022

Last month we published fact sheets for every state and the 76 cities included in the League’s Benchmarking Project for large cities. Here are our favorite things.


By Ken McLeod | June 13, 2022

As part of the League’s Benchmarking Project, the League is publishing fact sheets on biking and walking for each of the 50 states and 76 cities.

How Local Advocates Have the Power to Change Their Communities from the Bottom Up

By Anna Tang | May 10, 2022

Our newest hire and BFA specialist Anna Tang shares what she’s learned to be an invaluable tool from her time as a community organizer — grassroots advocacy.

Guidance for State Departments of Transportation

By Caron Whitaker | January 10, 2022

Now that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is signed, it is up to US DOT to implement it, and that starts with writing guidance for state Departments of Transportation. Here are our suggestions.

Bike Law Trends 2021

By Ken McLeod | July 19, 2021

In 2021, we saw four major trends in bike-related laws that might point toward future changes.

Demand a Manual for Safer Streets by May 14

By Ken McLeod | May 10, 2021

This week, we can make our voice heard on the future of the little known, very technical, and vastly influential design guide governing traffic signs and road markings, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

Separated Bike Lanes, Automated Vehicles, and the MUTCD

By Ken McLeod | April 29, 2021

Separated bike lanes should absolutely be promoted in documents like the MUTCD and the safety, comfort, and convenience of people biking should be the reasons for doing so.

The MUTCD: Reframe for Safety, Rewrite for the Future

By Ken McLeod | April 28, 2021

There is value in reframing and rewriting the MUTCD to make our roads safer and more accessible for everyone and enable communities to build back bicycle friendly.

Decriminalization and data in Kansas City, Mo.

By Ken McLeod | April 13, 2021

In the absence of good data, advocates like BikeWalkKC are finding ways to make the case that decriminalizing biking and walking are good public policies.

A once-in-a-decade opportunity for better roads

By Ken McLeod | April 2, 2021

Now, for the first time in over a decade (since 2009 to be precise), the general public – local bike advocacy organizations, bike clubs, and individuals – can weigh in on MUTCD decisions as well.