Blog Post
A new Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices can be used as a tool for all cities, towns, counties, and states to design better roads for cyclists.
Representative Earl Blumenauer is hoping to bring infrastructure listening sessions to a community near you.
Our Smart Cycling program has recently added three new Coaches to our elite group of expert bicycling instructors. Read more about their inspiring work in this blog.
The CDC released their new website Active People, Healthy Nation. Here’s how the League is working with them to promote walkable and bikeable communities.
Bikes bring people together, uniting us across political lines for a common bipartisan goal: Building a bicycle friendly America for everyone. Whether or not you bike to your polling place…
The League is thrilled to announce that its network of League Cycling Instructors has now surpassed 6,000!
A new study shows a majority of Americans support increasing the gas tax for specific uses — including improving roads, improving safety or addressing air pollution and global warming.
“I bet you save a life every day with the stuff you teach,” exclaimed one City of Fort Collins Bus Operator after taking the Bicycle Friendly Driver class.
The National Bike Challenge is still going strong, so we wanted to share stories from some of the riders that came out on top in the May Team Challenge. It’s quite an achievement when you’re competing against 42,935 other riders!
USA Cycling and the League have announced a new partnership to further develop the sport of cycling by working together to create a nation where everyone recognizes and enjoys the many benefits and opportunities of bicycling.