Blog Post
If you are looking for someone significant in the world of bicycling policy, advocacy, or industry, you will probably find them at the National Bike Summit. The halls of DC’s…
At some trade shows, racing bikes dominate. At Urban Press Camp, a three-day media event that brings together magazine editors and the leading brands in urban bikes and accessories, commuter…
The National Bike Summit has not escaped the attention of Washington, D.C.’s largest newspaper. The Washington Post had this to say about the biggest bicycling advocacy event of the year:…
In these economic times, we can only afford to invest in solutions that solve multiple problems. Bicycling and walking programs do that and they are essential to our communities. When…
Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) is kicking off National Bike Summit week with a good natured bicycle race on Politico’s Gamechanger. [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_large”,”fid”:”126″,”attributes”:{“class”:”media-image”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”height”:”412″,”width”:”486″,”style”:””}}]] Blumenauer will speak to nearly 800 bicycle advocates Wednesday…
The 2011 National Bike Summit is almost upon us. By dinner time tomorrow, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood will be speaking at the Opening Dinner. On Wednesday, Congressman Earl Blumenauer, NYC’s…
Earlier today, President Obama signed the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 to keep federal transportation dollars flowing to the states for the next seven months. The House voted 421 –…
The Secretary of Transportation is getting ready for the National Bike Summit. Are you?
Virtually everyone that forwarded footage of the awful scenes of a car plowing into a crowd of cyclists in Brazil this week prefaced their message by saying “if you can…
New StreetFilms video: Leaders from New York, San Francisco and Portland talk about what bicycling means for their city.