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Bicycling bigwigs converge on Bike Summit
If you are looking for someone significant in the world of bicycling policy, advocacy, or industry, you will probably find them at the National Bike Summit. The halls of DC’s Grand Hyatt and other buildings around town are filled with board members and advisory committee members from many of the country’s national bicycling organizations.
Each year, leaders of national bicycling organizations get together around the Summit to meet, provide updates, discuss the direction for the future, and catch up. Yesterday, the League of American Bicyclists board met. Today is the Alliance for Biking & Walking’s board meeting; The International Mountain Biking Association is holding their Public Lands Annual Workshop. And don’t forget about the National Bicycle Dealers Association board meeting: “They’re looking forward to delivering the pro-small business message to Congress and we’re thankful to have them here,” says League President Andy Clarke, who just walked out of the meeting.
National Center for Safe Routes to School uses the week of the Summit to hold the meeting of its national review group of experts in health, transportation, and safety to share what they’ve been doing throughout the year. “We’ve always held the meeting in conjunction with the National Bike Summit, because it’s held in DC and there is such a positive environment there that’s infectious,” says Lauren Marchetti, director of the National Center for Safe Routes to School, “It’s a great opportunity.”

Carly Sieff at the BFA advisory meeting at the National Bike Summit
The League uses it Summit to strategize about the future of its programs. “The Summit is a great opportunity to get together with colleagues on issues like the Bicycle Friendly America program. I’ve been coming for seven years and it’s been impressive seeing how the program has grown,” says Jim Sebastian, District of Columbia DOT Bicycle Program Manager and member of the BFA advisory group.”