

Bicycle Friendly Business Program Recognizes Firsts

By bikeleague | April 3, 2017
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The League welcomes 59 new and renewing businesses to its Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) program. There are now over 1,300 BFBs nationwide.

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National Bike Summit presentations and photos

By bikeleague | March 31, 2017
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Selected presentations from the Summit as well as all photos are now available online.

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The President’s budget: What does it mean for us?

By Caron Whitaker | March 19, 2017
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The Trump White House released its “skinny budget” last week which includes significant cuts to non-defense discretionary funds, including a 13% cut to the US DOT.

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Looking back at a great National Bike Summit

By bikeleague | March 17, 2017
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Thanks to our members and supporters the 2017 National Bike Summit hosted last week in Washington, DC was a big success!

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Doubling your impact on Capitol Hill

By Caron Whitaker | March 14, 2017
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Thanks to everyone who lobbied last Wednesday in DC. It is so great to see the halls of Congress filled with people with bike pins. We had 338 meetings — more than half of Congress! Here’s how to follow up.

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Chris Kegel’s life and legacy honored at National Bike Summit

By bikeleague | February 24, 2017
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The bicycle world mourns the passing of Chris Kegel. Here, League Board members pay tribute to him.

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What to know before you go to Summit Lobby Day

By Caron Whitaker | February 23, 2017
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Two webinars for National Bike Summit attendees to prepare for Capitol Hill office visits.

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Bicycle Friendly Community Attitudes and Behaviors

By Ken McLeod | February 17, 2017
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In the last Bicycle Friendly Community round we offered a survey that communities could choose to distribute to the public.

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Bill Nesper Appointed Interim Executive Director

By bikeleague | February 13, 2017
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The Board is very pleased to welcome Bill Nesper who was appointed as the Interim Executive Director.

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League and 3M announce the 2017 National Bike Challenge

By bikeleague | February 7, 2017
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The League of American Bicyclists and presenting sponsor 3M are excited to announce the sixth annual National Bike Challenge.

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