

League Announces Fall 2009 Bicycle Friendly Businesses

By bikeleague | September 29, 2009
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The League of American Bicyclists announced 45 new Bicycle Friendly Business award winners last Thursday, September 24, including two platinum winners Bicycle Sport Shop of Austin, Texas and Quality Bicycle…

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43% Increase in Bicycle Commuting Since 2000

By bikeleague | September 22, 2009
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According to the US Census Bureau’s 2008 American Community Survey (ACS), released today, 0.55% of American workers use a bicycle as the primary means of getting to work. This is…

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Copenhagen is the Ideal

By bikeleague | September 18, 2009
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I’ve spent a lot of time in Portland, visited Boulder, ridden the cycle-tracks of NYC, regularly use the bike sharing system here in D.C. and I am anxiously awaiting the…

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Coburn’s (R-OK) Efforts to Attack Transportation Enhancements Failed

By bikeleague | September 16, 2009
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Senator Coburn’s (R-OK) efforts to attack transportation enhancements failed. Yesterday he introduced two amendments to the FY10 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill that would strike funding for…

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Attack on bike funding — call your senator

By bikeleague | September 15, 2009
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Transportation Enhancements are the largest federal source of bicycle and pedestrian funding and they are under attack. We need your help – TODAY! Senator Coburn (R-OK) is offering two amendments…

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Bike fashion

By bikeleague | September 11, 2009
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The New York Times reports on the trend of fashion companies marketing bicycles and bike gear. Bikes are showing up on runways and in high-end shop window displays. Designers are…

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Who Knew Giving Back Was So Difficult

By bikeleague | September 9, 2009
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If you thought getting Federal funding for your bike project or program was difficult…wait til you see how complicated it is to give Washington back money that hasn’t been spent!…

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Dear Congress: I love Safe Routes to School

By bikeleague | September 8, 2009
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Coming on the heels of the national Safe Routes to Schools Conference, the Safe Routes to Schools National Partnership is collecting letters to Congress from supporters expressing in personal terms why it is important for children to be able to walk and bicycle to school. They will bundle the letters and send them to Congress.
To show your support for Safe Routes to Schools, follow the instructions below and go to the National Partnership’s Dear Congress Campaign page for more information.

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Union Station Bike Shelter on NPR

By bikeleague | September 2, 2009
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Today, on NPR’s Morning Addition, Ari Shapiro’s bike was among the first to roll into the new bike shelter located at Union Station.  Not only will the shelter provide a…

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Ask Google to add biking directions to Google Maps

By bikeleague | August 31, 2009
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Google is asking for suggestions to improve their Maps feature. One of the things you can suggest with the click of  a button  is “bike trail information and biking directions.”…

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