

What Does The Election Mean For Biking?

By bikeleague | November 15, 2012
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The parlor games began before all the votes were even counted. Who will be the Secretary of Transportation in President Obama’s second term? Will leadership of Congressional committees that decide…

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The Passing of a Bicycle Visionary: Ellen Fletcher

By bikeleague | November 15, 2012
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It is with a heavy heart that we note the passing of a true bicycle advocacy leader: Ellen Fletcher. According to Richard Masoner: “The Holocaust survivor, PTA mom, city council…

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Anchorage Advocates Close in on $1.3 Million in Federal Funds for Bikes

By bikeleague | November 13, 2012
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Earlier this month, Anchorage advocates celebrated a major step toward implementation of the region’s bike plan. The Anchorage Metro Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) is the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). AMATS has…

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New Orleans Gets Jazzed About Bike Funding

By bikeleague | November 12, 2012
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On November 1, sixty advocates, agency staff and elected officials came together to learn how to fund transportation infrastructure that is safe for all users. Joined by participants from Baton Rouge and Mississippi, discussion focused on bringing in more money with the new transportation bill to fund local biking and walking projects.

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Call for Proposals: Present at the 2013 National Bike Summit

By bikeleague | November 12, 2012
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We need your knowledge and expertise to show Congress and the nation that Bicycling Means Business. We’re looking for the very best speakers to present their insight and expertise at…

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Support Bicycle Relief Efforts in NYC!

By bikeleague | November 9, 2012
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Perhaps, the one bright spot in the devastation of Hurricane Sandy was the sight of so many bicycles providing mobility options to hard hit New York City. With the Subway…

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What’s a Georgia-lina? Recap from a Bi-State Bike Summit

By bikeleague | November 9, 2012
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Earlier this week, I wrote about my trip down to Atlanta and my first night helping to organize and execute the Red, Bike and Green bike ride on Sweet Auburn Avenue. Well, after all the fanfare of Thursday night, Friday went by in a blaze. Saturday morning it was time to head off to the Georgia-lina Bike Summit in Augusta, Ga.

Statewide advocacy organizations Georgia Bikes and Palmetto Cycling Coalition in South Carolina decided to go in on a joint summit this year, extending the bike-friendliness across borders. The Summit was full of presentations and speeches from advocacy organizations, club leaders, businesses and local politicians about the importance of cycling and how to move this mode of transportation forward in the South. It was set to be a day filled with awesome bike knowledge.

With all great summits like this, there were so many great presentations and so little time to get to them all, so I scoped out the agenda and plotted my plan of attack.

Session on effective local advocacy? Check!

Presentation about Lionel Hampton MTB Park by ABC and IMBA-SORBA Atlanta? Check!

Economic Benefits of Cycling by Alta Planning + Design? Check!

Lunchtime keynote by Jeff Miller from the Alliance of Biking & Walking? Will there be brownies and sweet tea? Yes! Well check!

Women’s Cycling forum? Check, check and check!

This was going to be a busy day. I had my notes app on my tablet, iPhone camera and Hootsuite twitter account ready.

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League Welcomes Caron Whitaker to Our Staff

By bikeleague | November 9, 2012
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I am delighted to announce that Caron Whitaker has accepted a position as Vice President of Government Relations, starting on December 1. Caron has a tremendous track record of effective…

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New Role for America Bikes’ Caron Whitaker

By bikeleague | November 8, 2012
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Guest post from Mary Lauran Hall, America Bikes America Bikes, the national coalition of bicycling organizations dedicated to improving bicycling conditions in the U.S. through federal policy and investments, today…

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St. Petersburg Rolling Toward Silver Status

By BillN | November 8, 2012
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The Bicycle Friendly Community program is so much more than giving out awards. There’s a greater goal behind our work: helping communities to become places where anyone can ride a…

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