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Action Alert: Better Biking Through Reconciliation
Tell Congress to include provisions that promote environmental justice and safe bicycling in the reconciliation bill.
As Congress continues to formulate its reconciliation bill, which will include massive investments in infrastructure, the League of American Bicyclists is advocating for the inclusion of provisions that promote environmental justice and encourage bicycling. The reconciliation bill is a real opportunity to center climate equity and ensure bicycling is a safe, easy, and accessible option for all Americans, regardless of zip code.
Tell your Members of Congress the reconciliation bill must incorporate key provisions that will promote environmental justice, including:
- Tax incentives that will promote sustainable transportation like the Bicycle Commuter Benefit and a tax rebate on e-bikes are crucial to ensuring sustainable transportation is accessible across incomes and regions.
- Reconnecting Communities, a program that aims to reconnect and revitalize communities of color and low income communities that were harmed in the construction of the Interstate Highway System. The program will offer new mobility options to non-drivers and expand economic opportunity in and near their hometowns.
- Well-funded sustainable transportation infrastructure networks. By building bicycle and pedestrian networks with convenient connections to transit, many Americans will enjoy newly available mobility options.
We need your Members of Congress in the House and Senate to support a reconciliation bill that reduces environmental inequity by promoting and expanding access to bicycling. Please urge your lawmakers to advocate for environmental justice by including key climate related provisions in the reconciliation bill.