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A Strong Year and Bright Future for the Bike League

Monday was a big day at the League’s world headquarters. Not only did a contingent of staff ride a cart-load of donated essentials to nearby Miriam’s Kitchen, but we also celebrated the holiday season with a few games, libations and seasonal foods.

Heading out with our donated items! Heading out with our donated items!

In the midst of the merriment, our board of directors approved an ambitious and exciting budget and work plan for 2013. OK, so technically the board wasn’t literally in the midst of our holiday party and they didn’t get to share in the libations, but they did adopt an exciting budget (8.5% bigger than this year) with additional staff positions and an inspiring commitment to increasing the diversity of our organization and incorporating that commitment throughout all our programs.

We’ve had a good year in 2012 (despite that little transportation bill thing) and we’re looking forward to continuing that growth in 2013.

A big part of the reason for our success this year is the hard work and dedication of Elizabeth Kiker over the past seven years. As Executive Vice President she has spearheaded a thriving major donor program, launched the Every Bicyclist Counts resource, and led the staff in countless ways to “get the job done.” Last week, Elizabeth announced her departure from the League and there’s no doubt we’re going to miss her. Thanks for leaving us in such great shape, Elizabeth, and best of luck to you in the future!

Best wishes to everyone this holiday season, and here’s to a great year for cycling in 2013.


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