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The Next Step for Safety
We’ve talked a lot about the increase in bicycling and pedestrian fatalities over the last year, but we’ve never really had an answer as to why. Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington State wants to know what the causes are, and what current transportation design and policy practices might be contributing.
And when Members of Congress have a question like that, they turn to the Government Accounting Office to answer it. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the “congressional watchdog,” GAO studies are considered non-partisan and thorough. Congress often uses these reports as a basis for legislative and policy change.
Last week, Rep. Larsen, along with Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton of Washington, D.C., asked the GAO to study the causes of bicycling and pedestrian fatalities, looking specifically at speeding as a factor, as well as how road design effects actual speeds and how states and local transportation agencies set speed limits.
We thank Reps. Larsen, DeFazio and Norton for their continued leadership on improving safety and look forward to reading the report. Read their press release announcing the report request below, or link to it in full here.