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Which States Invest the Most Federal Dollars on Bike/Ped Projects?

UPDATE:  I’ve taken out the SRTS and Recreational Trails data since these programs should be 100% bicycle and pedestrian spending.  Sorry for any confusion.

Now that requirements to dedicate federal funds to bicycling and walking projects have been weakened, we all need to make sure our state leaders  prioritize active transportation rather than revert to road-only thinking.

So, which states are the best at using these funds now?

The League compiled federal bike/ped funding data reported by the states from 2007-11 (the data doesn’t separate out bicycles and pedestrians). We used this data to get a better picture of which states prioritize bike/ped projects that create transportation choices, make sure kids get to school safely, reduce congestion, improve air quality, and make our streets safer for everyone.

Below are the top states by program. Click here to download the entire spreadsheet.

The percentage of STP and HSIP funds spent on bicycle and pedestrian spending are generally fairly low.  However, both of these sources offer a considerable amount of transportation funding.  Even though a state may spend only a few percentages of these sources on bicycles and pedestrians, this can still constitute tens of millions of dollars and shouldn’t be overlooked.  The states also deserve credit for having project funding criteria and processes that support spending these funds on bicycles and pedestrians.

All eyes are now on the states. If your state is on this list, now is the time to ensure it continues to dedicate resources to bicycling and walking. If your state does not appear on this list, it is more important than ever to make the case for bicycling and walking to your governor and department of transportation. We are here to help with that.

Elsewhere in cycling advocacy…

  • Thanks to hundreds of vocal supporters and the leadership of the California Bicycle Coalition and CA State Sen. Alan Lowenthal, the California Assembly passed SB 1464 creating a three-foot safe passing law. The legislation was crafted to address the issues Governor Brown raised in his veto of a similar bill passed last year.


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