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National Bike Summit — meeting with Congress
Congressman James Oberstar, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer, and Illinois Congressman Daniel Lipinski received awards from the League of American Bicyclists for their dedication to bicycling. They rallied the 700 National Bike Summit attendees who are set to take Capitol Hill by storm today. In over 450 meetings with their representatives and senators today, the Summit delegates will build support for H.R. 4722 the Active Community Transportation Act of 2010, S. 584/H.R. 1443 – The Complete Streets Act, and S. 1156 The Safe Routes to School Program/H.R. 4021 – The Safe Routes to High Schools Act.

Congressman Oberstar marvels at the growth of the bicycling movement and encourages the Summit delegates before their meetings with representatives on Capitol Hill.