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Montana, Senator Baucus needs to hear from you
Yesterday, Californians used the energy of their Bike to Work Day to send a strong message to Barbara Boxer that they were behind her and needed her to stick up for bicycling and walking in the transportation bill. She heard us loud and clear. But Senator Boxer does not make these key decisions alone. Her colleagues need to hear from us as well.
Today, we need Montanans to send the same message to Senator Max Baucus. Senator Baucus is the chair of the Transportation Sub-committee, and one of the “Big 4” on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Montanans, please urge Senator Baucus to save bicycling in the transportation bill. This is a crucial time to ensure that key funding programs like Transportation Enhancement, Safe Routes to School, and Recreational Trails continue for the next six years.
Email Senator Baucus today. Thank you!

Senator Baucus