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Making the Most of Bike Month — Club Leadership Webinar

On Tuesday evening, Greg Billing of the Washington Area Bicyclists Association and Griff Baute of the Bluegrass Cycling Club joined Andy Clarke and myself for the monthly Club Leadership Webinar. This month, we were discussing Marketing, in anticipation of Bike Month and Bike to Work week, coming up in May.

You can watch the full marketing webinar. Unfortunately, we were having some audio difficulties which are reflected in the recording — if you bear with them, they do typically clear up within a minute or two. You can also download Greg’s powerpoint presentation covering all aspects of marketing your bike club and events.

As a companion piece, here’s a blog post I happened on the day after the webinar — Online Marketing Terms in Plain English. It’s a helpful primer if you’re just getting started in online marketing.

Griff talked about marketing the Bluegrass Cycling Club on Facebook, and showed off the forums, calendar and map library on the club site. The panel discussed having open resources, vs. holding back some resources as a member benefit.

Griff also showed off the newsletter guidelines for the Bluegrass Cycling Club, which several attendees expressed interest in emulating. They can be found at the end of these meeting minutes. If you use them, please attribute to the Bluegrass Cycling Club.

Recordings and presentations from previous webinars on membership, budgeting, succession, and the League’s insurance, as well as dates of upcoming trainings, can be found on the club leadership training page.

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