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Infographic: Following MAP-21 Funding
The new federal transportation bill, MAP-21, reinforces the critical importance of state and local bicycle advocacy.
Now that Congress has passed the law, the game is played at the state regional level. Our Advocacy Advance team is working with advocates in each state who are coordinating efforts to ensure state Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) make bicycling and walking a priority. While it’s critical that agencies use all of the federal-aid programs available (as we explained on this webinar), it’s also important to understand the Transportation Alternatives program.
Why? Even though its small in terms of total dollars, the largest percentage of funding goes to biking and walking.
It’s not a simple process, so we created a helpful infographic on how the TA program funds flow from states to your communities:
As you can see, states are required to distribute some of their TA funding directly to regional MPOs — and we’ve created a report on best practices for bike/walk-friendly MPOs and hosted a webinar delving into the topic. Just today, the Federal Highway Administration released how much your region will receive from the TA Program. Click here to see the funding for your community.
Learn more about MAP-21 and get involved — register for the 2013 National Bike Summit!