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Google Maps Bicycling Directions are Mobile!
Earlier today we recommended you use Google Maps for bicycling directions during Bike Month, and now it’s even easier! Just this afternoon, Google announced an application for Droid mobile phones for bike directions and more! This is the perfect tool when you are bicycling around town from one location to the next. Simply download or upgraded this app on your mobile phone, and your commuting routes will be a breeze!

Courtesy of Google
With Google Maps 4.2 for Android you can now get biking directions on the go, start Navigation from your Home screen, share places with friends, and more.
Biking directions
Since launching biking directions on desktop Google Maps, we’ve wanted to get you biking directions, lanes, and trails on your phone too. Just in time for National Bike Month, select the bike icon when getting directions to get an optimal bicycling route in the U.S. If you’re in the mood for a more scenic ride, you’ll also see the Bicycling layer on the map which shows dedicated bike-only trails (dark green), roads with bike lanes (light green), or roads that are good for biking but lack a dedicated lane (dashed green). You can always turn on this layer from the Layers menu to pick your own route. Add in the Labs’ Terrain layer, and you can decide to either climb or avoid that big hill on the way home!
Now there is no excuse (if you have a Droid mobile phone) that you can’t bike there because you don’t know the way. I have a Droid and already downloaded the free upgrade for bicycling directions. I can’t wait to get lost on my bike, pull over, and Google map my bike route. Very cool!

Courtesy of Google