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Future Bike: Miguel Ramos

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.

Last year, at the California By Bike Summit, I was drawn to a session that asked a provocative question: “Who is mainstream?” Led by Miguel Ramos and Laura Torres from Multicultural Communities for Mobility in Los Angeles, the workshop examined the a complex topic: How can we connect the outcomes of bicycle advocacy with the inputs of diverse, previously overlooked communities.

To break it down, Ramos created a great visual showing how partnerships with community organizations can create the spokes that bridge neighborhood desires to street-scale decision-making.

We’re excited that Ramos will be joining us to continue that conversation about Community Engagement at our Future Bike event on September 11, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Read his full bio below and register for Future Bike today!


Miguel Ramos is the Bike Safety Outreach Coordinator for Multicultural Communities for Mobility (MCM). His role with MCM has been to coordinate bilingual and Spanish bicycle safety workshops to diverse community groups throughout Los Angeles County.  

Ramos also serves on the City of Los Angeles’ Bicycle Advisory Committee, where he continues to advocate and share perspectives on how underserved communities can obtain sustainable equity within the bike movement.

Additionally, Ramos is a member of Raíces Roots, a people of color collective that embarked on a bike and bus migration to Latin America with the intention to learn and share the cultural, ancestral and social wisdom that derive from these countries, especially when it comes to the bicycle movement and sustainability.

Most recently, Ramos finished coordinating the 2014 LA Rooted summer program, a program that allows youth of color to bicycle and use other forms of transportation as a way to connect to the diverse and cultural communities throughout Los Angeles.

As a Los Angeles native, Ramos is inspired daily by the resilience and ambition of the cultural communities that define Los Angeles. He recognizes that the bicycle is often used by communities of color and sees this as a vital tool to educate and empower people in obtaining social and environmental justice in all communities. 

Currently, Ramos is part of the leadership creating transformative change in Los Angeles’ urban environment that promotes cultural neighborhoods across the region to take ownership of these safe, healthy, clean and bicycle-oriented linkages.

Hear more from Ramos at Future Bike on September 11!

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