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Complete Streets in the House

The Complete Streets Coalition and Streetsblog Capitol Hill are reporting that Representatives Doris Matsui (D-CA) and Steven LaTourette (R-OH) have introduced a Complete Streets bill, called the Safe and Complete Streets Act of 2011, to the House of Representatives.

Representatives Matsui and LaTourette (Photo source: National Complete Streets Coalition)

Representatives Matsui and LaTourette (Photo source: National Complete Streets Coalition)

Should the bill pass, states would have two years to pass a law or put in place a DOT policy to require that “all transportation projects in the State shall accommodate the safety and convenience of all users in accordance with complete streets principles.” The bill defines these principles as “the safe and adequate accommodation…of all users of the transportation system, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit users, children, older individuals, individuals with disabilities, motorists, and freight vehicles” and “the consideration of the safety and convenience of all users in all phases of project planning and development.”

From the National Complete Streets Coalition:

“This bill will help ensure that our federal transportation investments are creating the safest environment possible for everyone using our roadways,” said Congresswoman Doris Matsui, the lead author of the Safe and Complete Streets Act. “Complete Streets policies are win-win for local communities: they save lives and create forward-looking projects that provide lasting value. I have seen firsthand the interest in Complete Streets on the local level, and a Federal Complete Streets standard will ensure a consistent approach for all our transportation investments.”

According to the Coalition, a Senate version of the bill is expected soon.

We are extremely pleased to see bi-partisan support for this important bill. During the National Bike Summit, the League and Ohio advocates gave Congressman LaTourette a leadership award for his support of Complete Streets.

LaTourette receives League award

Congressman LaTourette (white shirt) receives a League leadership award from the Ohio delegation and League staff (far left) at the National Bike Summit. (Photo: Chris Eichler)

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