Now anytime a state replaces or rehabilitates any highway bridge deck they must include biking and walking access.
Protecting people biking, walking and rolling must be a core competency for Automated Vehicles. The League worked with Argo AI to help this emerging technology contribute to a more Bicycle Friendly America for everyone.
The House passed historic legislation meant to address climate change and reduce the growing income gap in our country.
In an update to our 2009 publication on the economic benefits of bicycling, our 2021 ‘Bicycling Benefits Business’ report highlights why life — and the economy — is better for everyone when more people are on bikes.
The bill includes unprecedented levels of funding for active transportation and the safety of vulnerable road users, and it represents an important step towards building more livable communities.
Today, the League releases a new report, “Reconnecting to the New Majority,” to update our understanding of demographic trends in bicycling, identify areas of focus to ensure that all people have access to safe bicycling.
Congress keeps promising to finish both the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Build Back Better Reconciliation bill. They are making progress, but there is still some work to do!
Work on both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Democrat-only human infrastructure/ reconciliation bill may spill into the fall.
Follow along with the League as we learn more about which of our asks were included in the forthcoming reconciliation bill by the various committees in the House and Senate.
While the IIJA contains numerous improvements that will increase safety, accessibility, and convenience for bicyclists and pedestrians, it is also missing key provisions supported by the League of American Bicyclists.