

Bike Summit Prep: Research Your Representative

By bikeleague | February 22, 2022

The League’s annual Lobby Day is fast approaching. Learning about your members of Congress will help you relate bicycling to the things they care about and give you confidence going into the meeting.

What a League National Safety Strategy Would Prioritize

By Caron Whitaker | January 26, 2022

Here is how you can join the League in sharing our vision for better biking with the Biden Administration ahead of the first-ever National Safety Strategy.


By Raven Wells | January 26, 2022

A new report from the League demonstrates the importance of bike infrastructure and bike networks. “Benchmarking Bike Networks” showcases five cities with increased ridership and safety through building bike lanes in connected networks.

Biking and Walking Access Now Required on Bridges!

By Caron Whitaker | January 14, 2022

Now anytime a state replaces or rehabilitates any highway bridge deck they must include biking and walking access.

The League and Argo Develop Best Practices for AV Tech

By Ken McLeod | December 9, 2021

Protecting people biking, walking and rolling must be a core competency for Automated Vehicles. The League worked with Argo AI to help this emerging technology contribute to a more Bicycle Friendly America for everyone.

BBB Passes the House! Good News for Bike Infrastructure

By Caron Whitaker | November 19, 2021

The House passed historic legislation meant to address climate change and reduce the growing income gap in our country.

Bicycling Benefits Business

By Raven Wells | November 10, 2021

In an update to our 2009 publication on the economic benefits of bicycling, our 2021 ‘Bicycling Benefits Business’ report highlights why life — and the economy — is better for everyone when more people are on bikes.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill passes with major funding for better biking

By Caron Whitaker | November 8, 2021

The bill includes unprecedented levels of funding for active transportation and the safety of vulnerable road users, and it represents an important step towards building more livable communities.

Reconnecting to the New Majority

By Lauren Jenkins | November 4, 2021

Today, the League releases a new report, “Reconnecting to the New Majority,” to update our understanding of demographic trends in bicycling, identify areas of focus to ensure that all people have access to safe bicycling.

Infrastructure Groundhog Day

By Caron Whitaker | November 1, 2021

Congress keeps promising to finish both the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Build Back Better Reconciliation bill. They are making progress, but there is still some work to do!