

New Report: Where We Ride

By Ken McLeod | November 18, 2013

In “Where we Ride: An Analysis of Bicycling in American Cities” we take a look at bicycle commuters throughout the nation, looking at broad trends (such as the three states that have had a more than 100% increase since 2005) and more particular analyses (such as top bike commuter rates in cities of various sizes).

ACS: Bike Commuting Continues to Rise

By Ken McLeod | September 25, 2013

UPDATED: We’ve updated our data list for the 70 largest U.S. cities, including share of bicycle commuters and percent change. Download it here. According to the ACS, in 2012 about .64% of commutes are made by bicycle, which represents an almost 10% increase from 2011. This is the largest year-on-year increase since 2007-2008, showing that people are choosing to use their bicycles for transportation not just in response to economic crisis, but because bicycles are leading the way to recovery.

Old Solutions from a Passing Generation: USDOT’s Proposed Strategic Plan Falls Short

By bikeleague | August 30, 2013

On Tuesday, August 27th the U.S. Department of Transportation released a draft strategic plan for public comment. The 94-page document lays out how the U.S. Department of Transportation proposes to manage our transportation system for the next five years — guiding the work of some 57,000 federal employees and heavily influencing some $205 billion of annual spending on highways in this country.

New Report: Americans Driving Less, Especially Youth

By bikeleague | April 10, 2012

For many of us who travel by bike, our daily commutes have happily become more crowded. When I leave the office in the evening, the cycletrack up 15th Street is…