

New Data: Bike Commuting Growing Steadily

By Ken McLeod | September 17, 2015

This morning, the U.S. Census Bureau released the American Community Survey (ACS), revealing new data on bicycle commuting in the United States. According to the ACS, 0.62% of commutes to work were made by bicycle in 2014, which represents a modest 0.5% increase from 2013. In total, the Census Bureau estimates that there were 904,463 bicycle commuters across the country in 2014. Since 2000, ACS data shows a 62% increase in bicycle commuting.

Amtrak Expands Roll-On Service

By Caron Whitaker | September 14, 2015

Starting today, Amtrak’s Capitol Limited Line, from Washington, D.C. through Pittsburgh and ending in Chicago, will offer bicycle roll-on bicycle service. Congratulations to Adventure Cycling Association and Amtrak for making this happen! Amtrak’s timing is perfect, too. Earlier this year the League worked with Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL), and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) to successfully incorporate language into the Amtrak reauthorization bill, pushing the train service to standardize roll-on accessibility across the country. While the bill hasn’t yet passed the full Congress, we expect it to pass by the end of the year.

New Report: Equity of Access to Bicycle Infrastructure

By bikeleague | September 1, 2015

Equitable transportation is more than a buzzword. The effort to make transportation accessible and safe for Americans from all socioeconomic and racial backgrounds has taken root in grassroots advocacy organizations, national foundations and even in the U.S. Congress. The benefits of transportation investments are not distributed equally among communities, as some social groups have not reaped the rewards of developed transportation infrastructure. While the discussion of transportation equity has largely focused on accessibility to transit and the provision of auto-dominated infrastructure, a growing number of advocates

How will new technology affect bike safety? Congress wants to know

By Ken McLeod | June 29, 2015

New technology is coming for our roads, but what does that mean for you? It is hard to know what to think of self-driving cars, connected cars, and new safety technologies that augment the abilities of vehicle drivers. Last year, we asked on social media whether automated cars will increase or decrease safety for people who bike and walk – and most people said they didn’t have enough information to know. Thankfully, Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) has introduced the “Future Transportation Research and Innovation for Prosperity Act” or Future TRIP Act. The Future TRIP Act directs the Secretary of Transportation to establish an Automated and Connected Vehicle Research Initiative.

The History of Bikes Is the History of Cars

By bikeleague | April 17, 2015

On Thursday here in Washington, D.C., League staff joined U.K.-based author and historian Carlton Reid at a Congressional Bike Caucus meeting where he presented information from his new book, The Roads Were Not Built for Cars. His book tells the fascinating history of bicycling in the United States and the U.K. and of the very interconnected story of bicycles and motor vehicles. Read through our live-tweets from his presentation below to learn more! Fun fact: Car manufacturer GMC used to be “GBC” — one guess what the B stood for…

Momentum for Vision Zero

By bikeleague | April 15, 2015

The Mayor of Seattle knows firsthand the trauma of unsafe streets. When Ed Murray was 14 years old, he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle on his paper route. The result: An extended hospital stay and six months of recovery before he could walk again. Earlier this year, he set a new course for his city to make sure that no child will have to suffer like he did. “We believe we can have a city where no cyclist or pedestrian is hit or killed,” Murray told the Youth Bike Summit in February.

Bill Ford: Seeing Beyond the Automobile

By bikeleague | March 19, 2015

It’s well within Bill Ford’s job description to foresee the threat of global gridlock. But in his 2011 TED talk, the CEO of the automotive giant described an innovative detour to avoid the impending transportation crisis. “The solution is not going to be more cars, more roads or a new rail system; it can only be found, I believe, in a global network of interconnected solutions,” Ford said.

Why bike? It makes us happy, researchers say

By bikeleague | March 16, 2015

Why do we bike? As advocates, we’re quick to point out the benefits we can measure: It burns calories, reduces air pollution, relieves traffic congestion and costs less than car ownership. But, for those of us who ride, we know there are even bigger upsides to cycling: Biking makes us feel good. And now there’s data to prove it.

#NBS15 Chat: Vision Zero

By bikeleague | February 27, 2015

Ahead of the 2015 National Bike Summit, we’ve been holding Twitter chats with presenters to hear more about their work and ideas. Today we chatted with Leah Shahum, Director of the Vision Zero Network, about the road safety concept. In short: The only acceptable number of traffic deaths is zero.
Shahum is one of our “thought leaders” at the Summit this year, and she’ll be talking more about her work at the event. If you aren’t already registered, click here!

Creating Resilience Through Biking & Housing

By bikeleague | February 5, 2015

In our Winter 2015 American Bicyclist magazine, we spoke with Harriet Tregoning, the Director of the Office of Economic Resilience at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and a daily bike commuter, about the intersection of active transportation and affordable housing. This is our full interview, which was condensed for length in the magazine. It’s Harriet Tregoning’s job to create opportunity. A bike commuter, Tregoning is the new Director of the Office of Economic Resilience at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She comes to HUD after most recently serving as the director of the District of Columbia’s Office of Planning, spearheading several projects, including the implementation of the city’s bikeshare system. In her new role, Tregoning said her boss, HUD Secretary Julian Castro, likes to say HUD is the “department of opportunity.”