
Blog Post

BFA Means Bicycle Friendly Advocacy

By bikeleague | August 9, 2012

No, the League isn’t going to start ranking advocacy groups. But we are expanding our tradition of partnering with state and local advocacy groups on the Bicycle Friendly America program.…

Navigating MAP-21: How Much Money Will My State Get?

By bikeleague | August 8, 2012

The new transportation law, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) creates a new program called Transportation Alternatives program (TA). TA combines several key funding pots from the…

3 Reasons to Attend Pro Walk Pro Bike

By bikeleague | August 7, 2012

You gotta love a city that boldly professes on the side of its City Hall — “Long Beach: The most bike-friendly city in the U.S.” The industrial town just outside…

Women Who Ride: Fionnuala Quinn

By bikeleague | August 6, 2012

In honor of National Bike Month, we brought you the Why I Ride series. This month, in anticipation of the National Women’s Bicycling Summit in Long Beach, Calif., we’re bringing…

July/August Magazine Now Online

By bikeleague | August 3, 2012

The July/August issue of the League’s magazine — American Bicyclist — is now online! Features in this edition include: growing bipartisan support for bicycling, a Spanish-language PSA campaign in Los…

Congratulations to Bike Challenge Winners!

By bikeleague | August 2, 2012

When we kicked off the National Bike Challenge in May, we knew our goal was ambitious: Unite American bicyclists to ride 10 million miles this summer. Well, with three months…

Bike Leaders Honored by White House as Champions of Change

By bikeleague | August 1, 2012

If you attended the National Women Cycling Forum or read the “Women on a Roll” feature in the May-June issue of American Bicyclist, you’ve been inspired by the work of…

Will Your State Fully Fund Bicycling and Walking?

By bikeleague | July 26, 2012

Twenty years of experience has shown that bicycling and walking projects generally do better at lower levels of government. Cities and regions often value investments in bicycling and walking projects…

Getting Creative in Funding Bicycle Projects

By bikeleague | July 26, 2012

Bicycles are here to stay as part of our transportation system. While MAP-21 reorganizes and reduces funding opportunities, advocates and agency staff will need to look beyond Transportation Alternatives. This…

Putting ABILITY in Eligibility

By bikeleague | July 26, 2012

In the five years from 2007 to 2011, states spent 1.8 billion federal transportation dollars on bicycle and pedestrian projects from sources other than Transportation Enhancements, Safe Routes to School, and Recreational Trails – our “dedicated” sources.There are two things to learn from that statement: 1. STATES spend federal transportation dollars.Therefore, it is state and local advocacy that determines if agencies are using federal funds to develop a balanced transportation system or just build highways, highways, highways. 2. We now expect state DOTs to make full use of the new Transportation Alternatives programs AND make full use of the programs under which bicycling and walking projects are eligible.