
Blog Post

Voices From the National Bike Summit – Streetfilms

By bikeleague | March 16, 2010

The League was beyond excited that Streetfilms attended the 10th annual National Bike Summit and documented from an advocates viewpoint what it is like to participate in an event that…

10th National Bike Summit Rocked!

By bikeleague | March 16, 2010

The  10th National Bike Summit ended last Thursday, March 11th, with a momentous Congressional Reception, inspiring bike advocates from around the country – and Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood –…

LaHood: “This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.”

By bikeleague | March 15, 2010

When the Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood stood on a table at the National Bike Summit to thank the crowd  and show his support for bicycling and walking, he was…

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood Recaps National Bike Summit Experience

By bikeleague | March 15, 2010

The League of American Bicyclists was more than thrilled to have Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood join us at the Congressional Bike Reception on the third day of the National…

Rep. Tom Petri (R-WI) Pedals a Pedicab at the League’s National Bike Summit

By bikeleague | March 13, 2010

Rep. Tom Petri (R-WI) graciously pedaled a League of American Bicyclists’  pedicab, sponsored by Planet Bike, on March 11th for the National Bike Summit Lobby Day. He took attendees and…

Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) and Senator Merkley (D-OR) join the 10th Annual Congressional Bike Ride

By bikeleague | March 13, 2010

Yesterday, asked whether the bike-partisan movement’s time has passed, citing the lack of Republican co-sponsors for the major legislative asks prior to the main lobby day of the National…

LaHood: “You have a full partner in Ray LaHood.”

By bikeleague | March 12, 2010

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood energizes and thanks the crowd at the League of American Bicyclists National Bike Summit on March 11, 2010. Ray LaHood pumps up the crowd at…

National Bike Summit — on twitter

By bikeleague | March 11, 2010

Check out what they’re saying about the tenth National Bike Summit on Twitter, if you’re into that kind of thing.

National Bike Summit — meeting with Congress

By bikeleague | March 11, 2010

Congressman James Oberstar, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer, and Illinois Congressman Daniel Lipinski received awards from the League of American Bicyclists for their dedication to…

National Bike Summit – League Announces Winter 2010 Bicycle Friendly Businesses

By bikeleague | March 10, 2010

The League of American Bicyclists announces 51 new Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) award winners at the 10th Anniversary National Bike Summit in Washington, D.C., March 10. “The League is especially…