
Blog Post

Commuter Relief Act would increase bike commuter benefits and flexibility

By bikeleague | May 11, 2011

Pointing to a large parking lot on Capitol Hill, Congressman Blumenauer (D-OR) said, with passion, "I invite you to think about how much the government is paying for this parking.…

Decade of Action on Road Safety

By bikeleague | May 11, 2011

Senator Klobuchar at the Decade of Action on Road Safety D.C. launch. Today, May 11, 2011, the United Nations officially launched the Decade of Action for Road Safety, an effort…

From earmarks to applications – FHWA announces $422 million in grant opportunities

By bikeleague | May 9, 2011

The Federal Highway Administration has announced that $422 million in discretionary grant funds is available from 11 funding sources. Much of the funding for these programs in the past has been directed by Congressional earmarks, leaving little to merit and the actual discretion of the Federal Highway Administration. However, the FY2011 budget requires that all funds be discretionary, meaning that projects will be based on merit selection through an application process.

Delta Region Transportation Development – $10 million
Ferry Boat – $47 million
Highways for LIFE – $20 million
Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment – $4.5 million
Interstate Maintenance – $100 million
National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation – $9 million
National Scenic Byways – $43.5 million
Public Lands Highways – $98.5 million
Rail Highway Crossing Hazard Elimination in High Speed Rail Corridors – $21 million
Transportation, Community, and System Preservation – $61 million
Truck Parking Facilities – $7.5 million

Bicycle and pedestrian projects are eligible for almost all federal-aid transportation programs. If advocacy groups are aware of eligible projects, they should work with the appropriate elected and agency officials to develop a proposal.

Click on each program above for program-specific selection criteria. Several of the programs in this grant process hold particular opportunities for bicycle and pedestrian projects:

Reasons to Ride this Bike Month

By bikeleague | May 6, 2011

The first week of Bike Month has been exciting and filled with #bikemonth tweets, twit pics of sweet rides, more than 1,000 Facebook users committed to participating and encouraging riding…

Bike Month Profile: Carly, Bicycle Friendly University Expert

By bikeleague | May 6, 2011

In celebration of May as National Bike Month, we are asking League staff members why they ride and how they make the most of Bike Month. Next up is Carly Sieff, Bicycle Friendly…

Complete Streets in the House

By bikeleague | May 5, 2011

The Complete Streets Coalition and Streetsblog Capitol Hill are reporting that Representatives Doris Matsui (D-CA) and Steven LaTourette (R-OH) have introduced a Complete Streets bill, called the Safe and Complete Streets…

Profiling Preston Tyree, Education Director

By bikeleague | May 5, 2011

In celebration of May as National Bike Month, we are asking League staff members why they ride and how they make the most of Bike Month. Next up is Education Director…

Obama kicks off ‘Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride’ (updated with video)

By bikeleague | May 5, 2011

President Obama paid tribute to a group of veterans and their supporters by kicking off the Wounded Warrior Project’s Soldier Ride today. Update, new video: [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_large”,”fid”:”145″,”attributes”:{“class”:”media-image”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”height”:”195″,”width”:”320″,”style”:””}}]] Here is a portion of…

Bike Month Profile: Katie Omberg

By bikeleague | May 5, 2011

In celebration of May as National Bike Month, we are asking League staff members why they ride and how they make the most of Bike Month. First up is Katie…

Bike Share took those in D.C. to the White House during bin Laden News

By bikeleague | May 4, 2011

The capture and subsequent killing of Osama bin Laden late Sunday was news that shook many in America. Hundreds of D.C. citizens and visitors converged on the White House. However,…