Bicycle Friendly Community
Today, the League of American Bicyclists honors 51 places with a Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) award in our Fall 2020 round. An additional 16 applicants earned Honorable Mentions. The 51…
A generation of kids now views bikes as freedom machines. If we can sustain those feelings for this generation we can have a positive impact on the transportation choices these kids make as they get older.
As more Americans turn to biking during the pandemic, the League of American Bicyclists honors the communities across the country making biking better for everyone.
It’s a foundational belief at the League: when more people ride bikes, life is better for everyone. One way we know bicycling improves lives is that it contributes to the…
Twice a year, the League honors communities, their city leaders and local advocates, with awards based on the progress these places have made on better biking. Today, we’re announcing the 65 communities who earned official Bicycle Friendly Community certification or Honorable Mentions.
This Spring, 14 new and 25 renewing Bicycle Friendly Communities earned awards for their contributions towards building a more Bicycle Friendly America.
We’re committed to building a Bicycle Friendly America which means helping more cities and towns meet the criteria to become Bicycle Friendly Communities. We couldn’t do that without the support…
Sixty-one new and renewing towns and cities earned Bicycle Friendly Community status for their leadership and investment in infrastructure, education, and outreach.
This year, Tallahassee, FL, was designated a Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Community. The city is making big strides toward becoming more multimodal and embracing a bicycle friendly mentality.
South Bend, IN, a Silver Bicycle Friendly Community, has a rich history of hosting transportation innovation, starting with the Studebaker brothers first putting the city on the map as the home to wagon building in the mid-18th century.