
Bicycle Friendly America

New League Staff: Stephen Clark

By bikeleague | December 5, 2013

The League is excited to announce a new member of our staff: Stephen Clark. A longtime bike advocate, Steve is our new Bicycle Friendly Community Specialist, and he’ll be traveling across the country visiting communities to help them become more bike friendly. So what’s Steve’s story? Here’s a quick Q&A on Steve’s biking background…

Suburbs Join the Rise of Bicycle Friendly Communities

By bikeleague | October 15, 2013

The national boom in biking has officially found a pedal-hold in a previously unlikely place: the suburbs. The League of American Bicyclists today announced its latest round of Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFC) — and suburban towns, like Menlo Park, Calif.; Elmhurst, Ill.,; and Ferguson, Mo. are showing large urban centers aren’t the only areas making biking better for millions of Americans.

Bicycle Account Guideline Provides Tools to Monitor Biking in Your Community

By BillN | September 18, 2013

We created the Diamond Bicycle Friendly Community challenge to keep setting a high bar for the leading BFCs, one that takes into account safety and levels of ridership. In doing so, we looked to our friends in the city of Copenhagen for examples. No, we’re not expecting every city and town in America to adopt the Copenhagen model, but these communities at the top are doing really well and we need to give them options.