

How to misunderstand data

By bikeleague | January 21, 2011
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To say that data from a new report by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association have been “misunderstood” is to put it so kindly as to do a disservice to the…

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Bike Vigil in Tucson

By bikeleague | January 14, 2011
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Bike vigil in Tuscon; photo from Tuscon Velo Tuscon Velo has photos and video from a bike vigil, attended by at least 150 cyclists, to honor the victims of Saturday’s…

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Secretary LaHood meets with bicycling advocates; blogs about it

By bikeleague | January 14, 2011
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Today the Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, wrote on his blog: “I don’t think anyone who reads this blog doubts my enthusiasm for increasing Americans’ transportation options.” Absolutely true. Secretary…

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Who pays for our roads? We all do.

By bikeleague | January 13, 2011
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We are often asked to address the dubious claim that bicyclists do not help pay for roads. We have long argued that since many of 57 million adult bicyclists in…

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Growing demand for livable communities

By bikeleague | January 13, 2011
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The New Year is bringing with it a host of new research and reports. This is the first of a series of research summaries. According to a survey recently released…

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Season of Summits

By bikeleague | January 11, 2011
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The National Bike Summit is just 8 week away. (Register before Feb. 3rd and save $100!) Your voice is needed on Capitol Hill as much as ever. While the National Bike Summit…

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Hearts go out to Rep. Giffords and Tucson community

By bikeleague | January 10, 2011
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We were shocked to learn of the dreadful shooting in Tucson, Ariz., yesterday – we are still waiting to learn the full extent of the casualties and the status of…

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Bike lanes create more jobs than other road projects, per $ 1 mil

By bikeleague | January 7, 2011
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According to a new report by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst says that building bike lanes and pedestrian projects, and bike boulevards, creates more…

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New Rules for the New Year — what they might mean

By bikeleague | January 4, 2011
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Let me say up front that this blog post isn’t trying to make a partisan point and it is going to be impenetrably wonky. Still with me? OK, let’s dig…

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Happy holiday riding

By bikeleague | December 23, 2010
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Sorry, it’s been quiet around here recently. We’ve been working hard to hit deadlines before the holidays. We’ll be quiet again next week. I hope that you all will be…

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